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Image of a Victorian home which is typically large and imposing with asymetrical features

Victorian homes were built between 1837 and 1901 while Queen Victoria reigned in Britain. “Victorian” actually refers to multiple styles that vary in influence, but each features ornate detailing and asymmetrical floor plans.

The key features of a Victorian-era home include:

  • Elaborate woodwork and trim
  • Towers, turrets, and dormer windows
  • Steep gabled roofs
  • Partial or full-width porches

Victorian homes are all about ornamentation — industrialization allowed these homes to be produced en masse and across a variety of architectural styles.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Sir Cliff Richard, OBE ist ein britischer Popsänger. In seiner langen und vielseitigen Karriere von den späten 1950er Jahren bis heute hat er weltweit rund 250 Millionen Tonträger verkauft. Er wurde 1995 als erster Popstar von Königin Elisabeth II. zum Ritter geschlagen.

Phil Collins ist ein britischer Schlagzeuger, Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent und Schauspieler. Er wurde sowohl als Mitglied der Rockband Genesis als auch als Solokünstler bekannt, gehört mit über 150 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern zu den weltweit erfolgreichsten Musikern.

Frank Sinatra war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Entertainer. Seine international erfolgreichen Hits, darunter Strangers in the Night, My Way und New York, New York, bescherten Sinatra Weltruhm; seine Alben wurden mehr als 150 Millionen Mal verkauft.

"Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song. A broadside ballad by the name "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" was registered by Richard Jones at the London Stationer's Company in September 1580, and the tune is found in several late-16th-century and early-17th-century sources, such as Ballet's MS Lute Book and Het Luitboek van Thysius, as well as various manuscripts preserved in the Seeley Historical Library in the University of Cambridge.

American popular music has had a profound effect on music across the world.

American popular music has had a profound effect on music across the world. The country has seen the rise of popular styles that have had a significant influence on global culture, including ragtimebluesjazzswingrockbluegrasscountryR&Bdoo wopgospelsoulfunkpunkdiscohousetechnosalsagrunge and hip hop. In addition, the American music industry is quite diverse, supporting a number of regional styles such as zydecoklezmer and slack-key.

Distinctive styles of American popular music emerged early in the 19th century, and in the 20th century the American music industry developed a series of new forms of music, using elements of blues and other genres of American folk music. These popular styles included country, R&B, jazz and rock. The 1960s and 1970s saw a number of important changes in American popular music, including the development of a number of new styles, such as heavy metal, punk, soul, and hip hop. Though these styles were not in the sense of mainstream, they were commercially recorded and are thus examples of popular music as opposed to folk or classical music.

Image of a Cape Cod home which became especially popular during the 1930s

Cape Cod homes are similar to the British or American Colonial homes, though they originated further north in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These are often seen as the classic American family home since the style’s revival in the 20th Century.

Cape Cod homes are identified by their:

  • Shingle exteriors
  • Modest size and ornamentation compared to British Colonial homes
  • Originally single-story homes
  • Large central fireplaces
  • Attic lofts (20th-century revival)
  • Dormer windows (20th-century revival)

Cape Cod homes are built of local wood and stone to withstand the north-eastern weather. This exterior weathering provides an iconic weathered-blue color to these homes.

Michael Jackson war ein US-amerikanischer Pop-, Soul-, R&B-, Funk-, Disco- und Rocksänger, Tänzer, Songwriter, Autor, Musik- und Filmproduzent sowie Musikmanager.

The Highwaymen war eine Supergroup, die 1985 von den Country-Musikern Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash und Kris Kristofferson gegründet wurde.

Ashes to Ashes ist ein Lied von David Bowie aus dem Jahr 1980. Das Lied wurde als Single und auf Bowies Album Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) veröffentlicht. Die Single und das Album läuteten einen erneuten Stilwechsel Bowies ein. Der Musiker trennte sich von einem Teil der Besetzung seiner Band und von Produzent Tony Visconti.

Image of an Italianate home which is characterized by its plain shape and height of two or three stories

Italianate architecture continues the trend of asymmetrical design, romanticism, and Medieval influence — this time borrowing features from Medieval Italy. Italianate style is common up and down the East Coast and peaked in popularity between 1850 and 1880.

Italianate architecture features:

  • Belvederes for natural light and airflow
  • Overhanging eaves with decorative support brackets
  • Tall and narrow or pedimented windows with rounded crowns
  • Cast iron detailing and decor

Pattern books were becoming a popular way for craftsmen to build homes in different styles. This flexibility meant Italianate features were accessible for a variety of homes including large estates and urban townhouses.

Image of a Georgian home which is characterized by square or rectangular shapes, brick, and symmetrical windows, shutters, and columns.

Georgian-style homes were one of the most common styles in the 18th century and showcased formal and classical details that previous homes didn’t. Georgian houses are similar to Federal houses, though they can be distinguished by:

  • A crown and pilasters framing the front door
  • Decorative quoins or bricks at the corners
  • Smooth decorative blocks as moulding

You can also find regional variations with hooded front doors and pent roofs between levels.

Image of a mid-century home except they don't tell you which century so I don't know...

Mid-century Modern designs are nothing new and have influenced interior design, graphic art, and house styles. Mid-century Modern homes are designed to embrace minimalism and nature. They’re also often modeled to appeal to a futuristic or abstract concept.

Mid-century Modern homes can be identified by their:

  • Flat planes and clean lines
  • Monochromatic brickwork
  • Asymmetrical home layouts
  • Nature-inspired interior
  • Interior level shifts between rooms

Mid-century architecture is still widely popular today, as are Mid-century Modern interior design and furniture trends.

The Final Countdown ist ein Lied der schwedischen Hard-Rock-Band Europe, das von Joey Tempest geschrieben und von Kevin Elson produziert wurde.

Image of a colonial home, which you can usually identify by its symmetry and its door in the exact middle of the front of the house

Colonial-style houses are simple rectangular homes that became popular in the 1600s as colonists settled the East Coast. These homes have many variations due to the fact that new communities all over the world built Colonial-style homes to suit their culture.

British Colonial style is the most common and recognizable Colonial home. Its key features include:

  • A side-gabled roof
  • Two floors
  • A centered front door
  • Symmetrical windows on either side of the door

The rectangular shape and interest in symmetry are seen in other Colonial house styles, too. Materials and decorative features can vary by region, as some Colonial houses sport brick exteriors and ornate trim, while others showcase shingle siding and simple shutters.

These are also some of the cheapest types of houses to build.

Dean Martin war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Entertainer italienischer Abstammung.

Lionel Richie ist ein US-amerikanischer Soulsänger, Songwriter, Musikproduzent und Saxophonist. Er gewann in den 1980er Jahren vier Grammys sowie 1986 einen Oscar.

The Parthenon in Centennial Park, in Nashville, Tennessee, is a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens

The Parthenon in Centennial Park, in Nashville, Tennessee, is a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens. It was designed by architect William Crawford Smith and built in 1897 as part of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition.

Today the Parthenon, which functions as an art museum, stands as the centerpiece of Centennial Park, a large public park just west of downtown Nashville. Alan LeQuire's 1990 re-creation of the Athena Parthenos statue in the naos (the east room of the main hall) is the focus of the Parthenon just as it was in ancient Greece. Since the building is complete and its decorations were polychromed (painted in colors) as close to the presumed original as possible, this replica of the original Parthenon in Athens serves as a monument to what is considered the pinnacle of classical architecture. The plaster replicas of the Parthenon Marbles found in the Treasury Room (the west room of the main hall) are direct casts of the original sculptures which adorned the pediments of the Athenian Parthenon, dating back to 438 BC. The surviving originals are housed in the British Museum in London and at the Acropolis Museum in Athens.


The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a United States nonprofitnon-governmental organization. NAS is part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, along with the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).

As a national academy, new members of the organization are elected annually by current members, based on their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Election to the National Academy is one of the highest honors in the scientific field. Members of the National Academy of Sciences serve pro bono as "advisers to the nation" on scienceengineering, and medicine. The group holds a congressional charter under Title 36 of the United States Code.

Founded in 1863 as a result of an Act of Congress that was approved by Abraham Lincoln, the NAS is charged with "providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. … to provide scientific advice to the government 'whenever called upon' by any government department."[2]

The Academy receives no compensation from the government for its services.[3]

The Academy currently has 2,984 members and international members. Existing members elect new members for life. Up to 120 members are elected every year; up to 30 foreign citizens may be elected as international members annually. The election process begins with a formal nomination, followed by a vetting period, and culminates in a final ballot at the Academy's annual meeting in April each year. Members are affiliated with a section -- a specific scientific field -- in one of six so-called "classes": (1) Physical and Mathematical Sciences; (2) Biological Sciences; (3) Engineering and Applied Sciences; (4) Biomedical Sciences; (5) Behavioral and Social Sciences; and (6) Applied Biological, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.[6] Since its founding, the Academy has elected 6,457 members. Harvard University is associated with the most members (329), some 5% of the all-time total. The top ten institutions, half of which are Ivy League universities, account for nearly 28% of all members ever elected.[11]

Top 10 Primary Institutions Members (1963-2022)
Harvard University 329
Stanford University 250
University of California, Berkeley 242
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 206
Yale University 132
Princeton University 128
California Institute of Technology 126
Columbia University 125
University of Chicago 120
University of Pennsylvania 83
Kiss ist eine US-amerikanische Hard-Rock-Band, gegründet 1973 in New York. Mit mehr als 100 Millionen weltweit verkauften Alben zählt die Gruppe zu den erfolgreichsten Rock-Bands.

2 years ago 2 years ago

Image of a Greek Revival home which is characterized by chimneys placed as far back as possible to help resemble a Greek temple

Around the 1820s, Americans experienced a renewed interest in classic Greek and Roman culture. This cultural shift was a natural fit for architects, who brought the Greek Revival house style to life.

Greek Revival architecture became popular in homes as well as businesses, banks, and churches. Prominent features include:

  • Easy to identify shapes, including a rectangular building and triangular roofs
  • Gable-front designs
  • Large porches and protected entryways
  • Greek-inspired columns both square and round

Greek Revival homes often have decorative trim and moulding around the front door and windows. These ornate features and columns are easy ways to identify Greek Revival architecture.

Image of a modern-style home which is from a period in the 1960s and 1970s and is no longer considered modern but a relic from a different time

Modern home design became popular in the early 20th century and has a heavy influence on today’s contemporary designs. The core of modern designs can be seen in their:

  • Use of geometric shapes
  • Large, floor-to-ceiling windows
  • Clean lines and flat roofs
  • Open floor plans

These styles attempt to connect with nature through minimalism and fluid design between outdoor and indoor spaces. Modern house styles branch into a few key sub-styles.

Cher ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songwriterin und Schauspielerin. Durch ihr Auftreten und Wirken in Musik, Film und Fernsehen wie auch in der Mode wurde sie zu einer Ikone der Popkultur. Ihr wird der Einzug weiblicher Eigenständigkeit und Selbstverwirklichung in die Unterhaltungsindustrie zugeschrieben.

Image of a Queen Anne style home which is usually distinguished from other homes by the conical, turret-looking portion of the house

Queen Anne homes were popularized in the later Victorian era, beginning around 1880. This style is the quintessential Victorian home for many, with ornate woodworking and decor inside and out.

Queen Anne homes have key regional differences across the country, but maintain these essentials:

  • Textured walls with decorative shingles or half-timbering
  • Large round or polygonal tower at the home’s corner
  • Steeply pitched and asymmetrical roof
  • Decorative spindles on porches and trim
  • Decorative single-pane or stained glass windows

Queen Anne architecture is most common in homes, but can also be seen in schools, churches, and office buildings.

Simon & Garfunkel (auch Simon and Garfunkel) war ein US-amerikanisches Folk-Rock-Duo, das im Jahre 1957 von Paul Simon und Art Garfunkel gegründet wurde.

2 years ago 2 years ago

Survivor ist eine US-amerikanische Rockband. Sie gehört zu den bekanntesten Vertretern des Genres der Rockmusik.

Young Americans ist das im Jahr 1975 veröffentlichte neunte Studioalbum von David Bowie, mit dem er sich nach eigenen Angaben am amerikanischen Musikmarkt behaupten wollte. Er verließ musikalisch den Rock-Sound seiner bisherigen Alben und nahm Young Americans innerhalb einer Woche in den Sigma Sound Studios in Philadelphia mit Hilfe überwiegend afroamerikanischer Soul- und Funkmusiker und John Lennons auf.