My channels


The Château de Marly, bought by Louis XIV in 1679, can be seen at the head of a great central canal flanked by twelve guest pavilions. Extensive efforts were expended in the creation of the garden at Marly, through the drainage of the marshy terrain, the engineering of the water features and the excavation of whole sections of valley floor. None of this is suggested in this painting which conveys instead effortless control over nature.


7 months ago
Tutti Frutti (italienisch für "alle Früchte") ist ein Song von Little Richard und Dorothy LaBostrie, der 1955 aufgenommen wurde und sein erster großer Hit war. Mit seinem energiegeladenen Refrain, der oft als "A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom!" (eine verbale Wiedergabe eines Schlagzeugmusters, das sich Little Richard ausgedacht hatte), seinem treibenden Sound und seinem wilden Text wurde der Song nicht nur zum Vorbild für viele zukünftige Little-Richard-Songs


Tutti Frutti (italienisch für "alle Früchte") ist ein Song von Little Richard und Dorothy LaBostrie, der 1955 aufgenommen wurde und sein erster großer Hit war. Mit seinem energiegeladenen Refrain, der oft als "A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom!" (eine verbale Wiedergabe eines Schlagzeugmusters, das sich Little Richard ausgedacht hatte), seinem treibenden Sound und seinem wilden Text wurde der Song nicht nur zum Vorbild für viele zukünftige Little-Richard-Songs, sondern auch für den Rock 'n' Roll selbst. Der Song führte einige der charakteristischsten musikalischen Merkmale der Rockmusik ein, darunter die laute Lautstärke, der kraftvolle Gesangsstil und der unverwechselbare Beat und Rhythmus.

"Georgia on My Mind" ist ein Lied aus dem Jahr 1930, das von Hoagy Carmichael und Stuart Gorrell geschrieben und im selben Jahr von Hoagy Carmichael erstmals aufgenommen wurde. Am häufigsten wird das Lied jedoch mit dem Soulsänger Ray Charles in Verbindung gebracht, der aus dem US-Bundesstaat Georgia stammte und es 1960 für sein Album The Genius Hits the Road aufnahm.


1 year ago
From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors

1 Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, for providing support for work on this article through the grant of a postdoctoral fellowship.

See Jennifer Chen, Julie Emerson and Mimi Gates, eds., Porcelain Stories: From China to Europe (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000) ; John Ayers, et al., Porcelain for Palaces: the Fashion for Japan in Europe 1650-1750 (London: Oriental Ceramic Society, 2001) For a history of the imports and collections of Chinese porcelain see chapter 1 of Stacey Pierson, Collectors, Collections and Museums: The Field of Chinese Ceramics in Britain1560-1960, (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).

2 Oliver Impey, “Japanese Export Porcelain”, in Porcelain for Palaces, 25-35.

3 Rose Kerr, “Missionary Reports on the Production of Porcelain in China”, Oriental Art, 47. 5 (2001): 36-37.

4 For a definition of these terms, see Krzysztof Pomian, Collectionneurs, amateurs et curieux, Paris, Venise : xvie-xviiie siècle, Paris, Gallimard, 1987.

5 Anna Somers Cocks, “The Nonfunctional Use of Ceramics in the English Country House During the Eighteenth Century”, in Gervase Jackson-Stops, et al., The Fashioning and Functioning of the British Country HouseStudies in the History of Art 25 (New Haven: Yale UP. 1989).

6 The collection bore the name “the Museum Tradescantium or a Collection of Rarities Preserved at South Lambert neer London by John Tradescant of London”. Cited in Douglas Rigby, and Elizabeth Rigby, Lock, Stock, and Barrel: the story of collecting (London: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1944), 234.

7 Mercure Galant (juillet 1678), cited in Hélène Belevitch-Stankevitch, Le Goût chinois en France. 1910. (Genève: Slatkine, 1970), 149.

8 See John Ayers in Oliver Impey and Arthur MacGregor, eds., The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe (Oxford: Clarendon, 1985), 256-266 and Oliver Impey, “Collecting Oriental Porcelain in Britain in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, in The Burghley Porcelains, an Exhibition from the Burghley House Collection and Based on the 1688 Inventory and 1690 Devonshire Schedule (New York: Japan Society 1990), 36-43.

9 See Pierson 31-33.

10 See Oliver Impey, “Porcelain for Palaces”, in Porcelain for Palaces, 56-69.

11 Cited in Joan Wilson, “A Phenomenon of Taste: the Chinaware of Queen Mary II” Apollo 126 (August 1972): 122. For the decoration of Kensington Palace, see Rosenfeld Shulsky, “The Arrangement of the Porcelain and Delftware Collection of Queen Mary in Kensington Palace,” American Ceramic Circle Journal 8 (1990): 51-74; T.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Documents on the Furnishing of Kensington House,” Walpole Society 38 (1960-1962): 15-58, and Oliver Impey and Johanna Marshner, “ʽChina Mania’: A Reconstruction of Queen Mary II’s Display of East Asian Artefacts in Kensington Palace in 1693”, Orientations (November 1998).

12 For more information on the arrangement of porcelain in these rooms, see Robert J. Charleston, “Porcelain as a Room Decoration in Eighteenth-Century England,” Magazine Antiques 96 (1969): 894- 96.

13 Impey, and Ayers, Porcelain for Palaces, 56-57.

14 Hilary Young, English Porcelain, 1745-1795: its Makers, Design, Marketing and Consumption. (London: Victoria and Albert Publications, 1999), 167-69.

15 See Tessa Murdoch, Noble Households. Eighteenth century inventories of great English houses, (Cambridge: John Adamson, 2006).

16 For studies on chinoiserie, see Hugh Honour, Chinoiserie: the Vision of Cathay (London, 1961); Oliver Impey, Chinoiserie: the Impact of Oriental Styles on Western Art and Decoration (London, 1977); Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding, “Dragons, clochettes, pagodes et mandarins: Influence et representation de la Chine dans la culture britannique du dix-huitième siècle (1685-1798)”, unpublished PhD thesis, Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris, 2006 ; David Porter, The Chinese Taste in England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

17 Collett-White 48.

18 The poem depicts the drowning of Walpole’s cat Selima while attempting to catch a goldfish in the porcelain tub. For a study of Walpole’s ceramic collection, see Timothy Wilson, “ʽPlaythings Still?’ Horace Walpole as a Collector of Ceramics,” in Michael Snodin and Cynthia Roman, eds., Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill (New Haven, CT: Yale U.P, 2009).

19 For more information on Beckford’s collections, see Derek Ostergard, ed., William Beckford, 1760-1844: An Eye for the Magnificent (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001).

20 See Craig Clunas, ed., Chinese Export Art and Design (London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1987).

21 John Stalker and George Parker, Treatise of Japanning and Varnishing Being a Complete Discovery of these Arts. (Oxford, 1688), Preface.

22 Sigmund Freud, “Fetishism,” in Adam Phillips, ed., Sigmund Freud: the Penguin Reader, (London: Penguin Books, 2006), 91-93.

23 The World n°38 (20 September 1753).

24 I draw here upon William Pietz’s anthropological study of the history and origin of the term “fetish”. See his articles on the subject, “The Problem of the Fetish, I,” Res 9 (Spring 1985), and “The Problem of the Fetish, II: the Origin of the Fetish,” Res 13 (Spring 1987).

25 The World No. 38 (20 September 1753).

26 See Chapter 3 in David Porter’s The Chinese Taste in England, 57- 93.

27 Catherine Lahaussois uses the expression “broderies de porcelaine” in Antoinette Hallé, De l’immense au minuscule. La virtuosité en céramique, (Paris : Paris musées, 2005) 48.

28 For a study of the Duchess of Portland’s passion for conchology, see Beth Fowkes Tobin, “The Duchess's Shells: Natural History Collecting, Gender, and Scientific Practice”, in Maureen Daly Goggin and Beth Fowkes Tobin, eds., Material Women, 1750-1950 (London: Ashgate, 2009), 301-325.

29 See Elizabeth Kowaleski-Wallace, Consuming Subjects: Women, Shopping, and Business in the 18th Century (New York: Columbia UP, 1997) 20-29; David Porter, “Monstrous Beauty: Eighteenth-Century Fashion and the Aesthetics of the Chinese Taste.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 35.3 (2002): 395-411.Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding, “Frailty, thy Name is China: Women, Chinoiserie and the threat of low culture in 18th-century England”, Women’s History Review, 18.4 (Sept 2009): 659-668; Stacey Sloboda, “Porcelain Bodies: Gender, Acquisitiveness and Taste in 18th-century England”, in John Potvin and Alla Myzelev, eds., Material Cultures, 1740-1920 (London, 2009), 1-36.

30 William Park. The Idea of Rococo (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1993), 75-77.

31 See chapter 4 in Parker’s The Idea of Rococo, 96-106. For a study of history of the rococo and its presence in English decorative arts, see Michael Snodin ed., Rococo Art and Design in Hogarth’s England (London: V&A Publication1984) and Charles Hind, ed., The Rococo in England. A symposium (London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986).

32 The Spectator no. 37, 12 April 1712.

33 Ibid.

34 “The senses at first let in particular ideas, and furnish the yet empty cabinet, and the mind by degrees growing familiar with some of them, they are lodged in the memory, and names got to them.” John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) Book II, Chapter II, section 15.

35 Alain Bony, Léonora, Lydia et les autres : Etudes sur le (nouveau) roman (Lyon: PUL, 2004), 9-12.

36 Claude Lévi-Strauss, Le Cru et le cuit, (Paris : Plon, 1978).

37 Batty Langley, Practical Geometry, (1726), 101.

38 The World No. 38 (20 September 1753).

39 For a study of the sensualist aesthetic of chinoiserie, see Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding, “De l’exotisme au sensualisme: réflexion sur l’esthétique de la chinoiserie dans l’Angleterre du XVIIIe siècle”, in Georges Brunel ed., Pagodes et Dragons: exotisme et fantaisie dans l’Europe rococo (Paris Musées: Paris, 2007), 35-41.

40 Philippe Minguet, L’Esthétique du rococo. (Paris : Vrin, 1966).

41 See Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding, “Dragons, clochettes, pagodes et mandarins”, 103-119.

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8 months ago 8 months ago
《Chinese characteristics》(中国人的性格)是西方人介绍研究中国民族性格的最有影响的著作。由美国公理会来华传教士明恩溥(Arthur Henderson Smith)撰写。

《Chinese characteristics》(中国人的性格)是西方人介绍研究中国民族性格的最有影响的著作。由美国公理会来华传教士明恩溥(Arthur Henderson Smith)撰写。书中描述了100多年前中国人,有高尚的品格、良好的习惯。也有天生的偏狭、固有的缺点。此为1894年刊本。





第一章 保全面子
第二章 节俭持家
第三章 勤劳刻苦
第四章 讲究礼貌
第五章 漠视时间
第六章 漠视精确
第七章 易于误解
第八章 拐弯抹角
第九章 顺而不从
第十章 思绪含混
第十一章 不紧不慢
第十二章 轻视外族
第十三章 缺乏公心
第十四章 因循守旧
第十五章 随遇而安
第十六章 顽强生存
第十七章 能忍且韧
第十八章 知足常乐
第十九章 孝悌为先
第二十章 仁爱之心
第二十一章 缺乏同情
第二十二章 社会风波
第二十三章 诛连守法
第二十四章 相互猜疑
第二十五章 缺乏诚信
第二十六章 多元信仰
第二十七章 中国的现实与时务

明恩溥(Arthur Henderson Smith 1845—1932) 又作明恩普,阿瑟·亨德森·史密斯,美国人,基督教公理会来华传教士。1872年来华,最初在天津,1877年到鲁西北赈灾传教,在恩县庞庄建立其第一个教会,先后在此建立起小学、中学和医院,同时兼任上海《字林西报》通讯员。1905年辞去宣教之职。在明恩溥等人推动之下,1908年,美国正式宣布退还“庚子赔款”的半数,计1160余万美元给中国。第一次世界大战爆发后,明恩溥返回美国。


6 months ago
Tennessee Waltz ist ein Country-Song von Pee Wee King und Redd Stewart, der erstmals 1948 in der Version von Cowboy Copas erschien. In der Pop-Version von Patti Page aus dem Jahr 1950 wurde das Stück zum mehrfachen Millionenseller.


7 months ago
When Doves Cry ist ein 1984 veröffentlichter Song des US-amerikanischen Musikers Prince, den er geschrieben, komponiert, arrangiert und produziert hat. Das Stück wurde am 16. Mai 1984 als Vorabsingle seines Albums Purple Rain ausgekoppelt. Prince nahm When Doves Cry mit seiner damaligen Begleitband The Revolution auf. Zudem ist der Song im Film Purple Rain zu hören.

The China Folk House Retreat is a Chinese folk house in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, United States, reconstructed from its original location in Yunnan in China. A non-profit organization dismantled and rebuilt it piece by piece with the goal to improve U.S. understanding of Chinese culture.

The China Folk House Retreat is a Chinese folk house in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, United States, reconstructed from its original location in Yunnan in China. A non-profit organization dismantled and rebuilt it piece by piece with the goal to improve U.S. understanding of Chinese culture.

John Flower, director of Sidwell Friends School's Chinese studies program, and his wife Pamela Leonard started bringing students to Yunnan in 2012 as part of a China fieldwork program. In 2014 Flower, Leonard, and their students found the house in a small village named Cizhong (Chinese: 茨 中) in Jianchuan County of Yunnan, China. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, they brought dozens of 11th and 12th-grade students to Yunnan to experience the cultural and natural environment of this province every spring. The architectural style of this house is a blend of Han, Bai, Naxi and Tibetan styles.

The Cizhong Village is located in eastern Himalaya, alongside the Mekong River. It has a long history of Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. The Paris Foreign Missions Society established the Cizhong Catholic Church in 1867. When they visited the village, Zhang Jianhua, owner of the house, invited them to his home. Zhang told them that the house was built in 1989, and would be flooded by a new hydroelectric power station. While the government built a new house for him one kilometer away, Flower came up with the idea of dismantling the house and rebuilding it in the United States. This house was built using mortise and tenon structure, which made it easy to be dismantled.

Flower and his students visited Zhang several times and eventually bought the house from him. After measurements and photographing, the whole house was dismantled, sent to Tianjin and shipped to Baltimore, and finally to West Virginia. Since 2017, they have spent several years rebuilding the house in Harpers Ferry, at the Friends Wilderness Center, following the traditional Chinese method of building. For the development of this project, Flower and Leonard formed the China Folk House Retreat.

6 months ago
"One Way Ticket" ist ein Lied, das von Jack Keller und Hank Hunter geschrieben wurde. Er wurde ursprünglich von dem amerikanischen Sänger Neil Sedaka gesungen und von der britischen Disco-Band Eruption bekannt gemacht.

7 months ago
Heartbreak Hotel ist ein Rock-’n’-Roll-Song von Elvis Presley aus dem Jahr 1956. Das von Mae Boren Axton und dem Gitarristen Tommy Durden geschriebene Stück wurde Presleys erster Hit in den Pop-Charts.

From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors


Several meanings can be ascribed to the presence of porcelain in English interior decoration. Oriental porcelain can be construed, I suggest, as a memento for men and a fetish for women. Porcelain was the material emblem of long-distance travels, and more symbolically, of what was perceived as commercial successes resulting from the Anglo-Chinese trade. Porcelain acted as a narrative object that visually told a story. Numerous export porcelain plates and dishes represented East India Company vessels moored in Canton or sailing along the Chinese coast, or imaginary Chinese landscapes and everyday scenes that provided the basis for chinoiserie design used by European porcelain factories for the decoration of their wares.20 English ceramic makers also decorated their vessels with images based on illustrations from travel books, such as Johan Nieuhof’s famous 1673 Embassy from the East India Company. Analogous to sea-narratives and travel books which were highly popular in the 17th and 18th centuries, the iconography on oriental porcelain traced one episode of an imaginary journey to China or Japan while porcelain itself was the tangible evidence of an actual journey to Canton. By viewing oriental porcelain, or by gazing at images of China or at chinoiserie vignettes, the viewer was reminded of the commercial voyages that had been undertaken to acquire these commodities, while he could slip into the role of traveller and explorer and let his imagination wander along the distant shores of the Far East, the “Terra incognita and undiscovered provinces” mentioned by Parker and Stalker in their 1688 Treatise on Japanning and Varnishing21. Porcelain wares functioned as mementoes of the (East India Company’s) commercial endeavours that had been necessary to bring these commodities back to England. A Chinese porcelain sauceboat in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, decorated with two cartouches depicting English ships departing Plymouth in the background (a floating English flag planted on the ground identifies the English coast) and arriving in the Pearl River in the foreground (a pagoda and a typical Chinese rock identify the Chinese coast) is one of numerous examples of how designs worked as travel-narratives (figure 1). The distance between the English coast and the Chinese one, rendered by the use of perspective in the scene, acquires a temporal dimension as it stands for the actual duration of the voyage and that of the written narrative. If not all men were merchants who had actually gone to China, they could picture themselves as potential merchants or adventurers and explorers. Porcelain could appeal to merchants’ dreams of exploration and wealth, but also appealed to the scientific and exploratory nature of the connoisseur and virtuoso.

If the function of porcelain as travel narrative played the role of a memento for male audiences, it played the role, I argue, of a fetish for female audiences. Freudian interpretation of the fetish underlines the role of the fetish as a marker of an absence or a lack.22 By invoking this lack, the fetish also disavows it and makes the absent object present. In William Burnaby’s The Ladies’ Visiting Day dated 1701, the female character Lady Lovetoy laments over a lack, namely the impossibility for women to travel to the East. The purchase of exotic goods is presented as a replacement of voyages to China:

Fulvia: I wonder your Ladyship, that has such a Passion for those Parts of the World, never had the Curiosity to see ‘em.
Lady Lovetoy: Alas! The Men have usurp’d all the Pleasures of Life, and made it not so decent for our Sex to Travel; but I manage it as Mahomet wou’d ha’ done his Mountain […] Every Morning the pretty Things of all these Countries are brought me, and I’m in love with every Thing I see.

Quelle:Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

"The Tracks of My Tears" ist ein Lied, das von Smokey Robinson, Pete Moore und Marv Tarplin geschrieben wurde. Es ist ein mehrfach preisgekrönter R&B-Hit aus dem Jahr 1965, der ursprünglich von ihrer Gruppe The Miracles auf dem Motown-Label Tamla aufgenommen wurde.

All Along the Watchtower ist ein Musikstück von Bob Dylan. Es erschien auf seinem Album John Wesley Harding, das am 27. Dezember 1967 veröffentlicht wurde. In seiner ursprünglichen Fassung verfügte der Titel über eine Instrumentierung mit akustischer Gitarre, Bass, Mundharmonika und Schlagzeug.


Recueil contenant le Livre des merveilles et autres récits de voyages et de textes sur l’Orient

Le Livre des merveilles et autres récits de voyages et de textes sur l’Orient est un manuscrit enluminé réalisé en France vers 1410-1412. Il s'agit d'un recueil de plusieurs textes évoquant l'Orient réunis et peints à l'attention de Jean sans Peurduc de Bourgogne, contenant le Devisement du monde de Marco Polo ainsi que des textes d'Odoric de PordenoneJean de MandevilleRicoldo da Monte Croce et d'autres textes traduits par Jean le Long. Le manuscrit contient 265 miniatures réalisées par plusieurs ateliers parisiens. Il est actuellement conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale de France sous la cote Fr.2810.

Le manuscrit, peint vers 1410-1412, est destiné au duc de Bourgogne Jean sans Peur, dont les armes apparaissent à plusieurs reprises (écartelé aux 1 et 4 de France à la bordure componée d’argent et de gueules, aux 2 et 3 bandé d’or et d’azur à la bordure de gueules), ainsi que ses emblèmes (la feuille de houblon, le niveau, le rabot). Son portrait est représenté au folio 226, repeint sur un portrait du pape Clément V. Le manuscrit est donné en janvier 1413 par le duc à son oncle Jean Ier de Berry, comme l'indique l'ex-libris calligraphié en page de garde. L'écu de ce dernier est alors repeint à plusieurs endroits sur celui de son neveu. Le livre est signalé dans deux inventaires du prince en 1413 et 1416. À sa mort, le livre est estimé à 125 livres tournois1.

Le manuscrit est ensuite légué à sa fille Bonne de Berry et à son gendre Bernard VII d'Armagnac. Il reste dans la famille d'Armagnac jusqu'aux années 1470. Il appartient à Jacques d'Armagnac lorsqu'une miniature est ajoutée au folio 42v. et son nom ajouté à l'ex-libris de la page de garde. Arrêté et exécuté en 1477, sa bibliothèque est dispersée et l'emplacement du manuscrit est alors inconnu. Un inventaire de la bibliothèque de Charles d'Angoulême mentionne un Livre des merveilles du monde qui pourrait être celui-ci. Il se retrouve ensuite peut-être dans la bibliothèque privée de son fils, le roi François Ier. Avec le reste de ses livres, il entre dans la seconde moitié du xvie siècle dans la bibliothèque royale et il est mentionné dans l'inventaire de Jean Gosselin.

From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors

The foundation of the East India Company in 1600 made direct trade with China possible and led to an increase in English imports of Chinese wares. Although Chinese porcelain started to reach England in higher quantities at that time, they continued to be considered as precious exotica worthy of display in cabinets of curiosities. Most Chinese porcelain imported in the 17th century consisted of blanc-de-Chine and blue and white ware. Brown Yixing stoneware was also imported, as well as monochrome-glazed porcelain1. In the middle of the 17th century, direct trade with China was hampered by wars of succession within the Chinese empire, which led the East India Company to find other indirect ways of buying Chinese porcelain, and also, from 1657, to turn to Japan for more supplies in porcelain. The imports of Japanese overglazed enamelled porcelain in England provided collectors with porcelain ware of a new type: colours and new compositional patterns hitherto unknown entered English interiors2. Europe’s long-lasting fascination for porcelain can be ascribed to its beauty, its exotic provenance and the secretsurrounding its fabrication. Indeed, the manufacture of porcelain remained a mystery until the 18th century in Europe, when the alchemist Johann Böttger first succeeded in creating a porcelain body of the same type as that made in China for the Meissen factory. Until that time, porcelain had been thought to come from shells. The original Italian term porcellana, meaning “conch shell”, reflects this long-held belief3. At the end of the 17th century, speculations about its composition still ran high, as is shown by Captain William Dampier’s remark on the origin of porcelain:

The Spaniards of Manila, that we took on the Coast of Luconia, told me, that this Commodity is made of Conch-shells; the inside of which looks like Mother of Pearl. But the Portuguese lately mentioned, who had lived in China, and spoke that and the neighbouring Languages very well, said, that it was made of a fine sort of Clay that was dug in the Province of Canton. I have often made enquiry about it, but could never be well satisfied in it. 


The association between porcelain and shells was further evidenced in the common practice of displaying shells and porcelain together in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Duchess of Portland had a famous collection of shells and of unique pieces of porcelain, an association which contributed to blurring the boundary between naturalia and artificialia

Porcelain first occupied a non-functional status in the cabinets of rarities and curiosities of English aristocrats5. The famous collector John Tradescant published in 1656 the first catalogue of his collection, which listed “idols from India, China and other pagan lands”6. He also possessed porcelain, some mounted with silver and gold. In the 17th century, rare and precious porcelain items were often mounted with expensive metalwork, a practice that was common throughout Europe. The Duchess of Cleveland’s collection, which was sold in France in 1672, contained very fine Chinese and Japanese pieces, according to the Mercure Galant in July 1678 : “l’élite des plus belles porcelaines que plusieurs vaisseaux de ce pays [l’Angleterre] y avaient apportées pendant plusieurs années de tous les lieux, où ils avaient accès pour leur commerce.”The Duchess’s finest porcelain pieces were gilt-mounted : “il y en avait d’admirables par leurs figures, par les choses qui étaient représentées dessus et par la diversité de leurs couleurs. Les plus rares étaient montées d’or ou de vermeil doré et garnies diversement de la même manière en plusieurs endroits”7. The adding of expensive, luxurious silver or gold mounts to the porcelain body of an object visually reinforced the latter’s precious status in the cabinet of curiosities. It also celebrated the transformative powers of artistic creation. Not unlike the popular mounted nautilus cup that stood in cabinets of rarities and curiosities, mounted porcelain held the reference to its artistic manufacture together with the allusion to its natural origin. The perceived shell-like substance of the object had undergone two transformations: it had first been moulded and fired by Oriental craftsmen to be turned into a piece of porcelain, and had then been further transformed and enhanced with precious metal by European craftsmen. Porcelain wares thus fitted into larger collections which included naturalia and artificialia, classical works of art, antiquities as well as more unusual curiosities. Although the passion for collecting porcelain was already closely connected to the realm of the feminine in the 17th century, it would be wrong to assume that men did not collect oriental porcelain. On a visit to a Mr Bohun on 30 July 1682 at Lee in Kent, John Evelyn noted the couple’s joint appreciation of Chinese and Japanese wares. The house possessed a lacquered cabinet, and it is likely that the lady’s cabinet which gets mentioned, was a china closet:

Went to visit our good neighbour, Mr. Bohun whose whole house is a cabinet of all elegancies, especially Indian; in the hall are contrivances of Japan screens, instead of wainscot; […] The landscapes of the screens represent the manner of living, and country of the Chinese. But, above all, his lady’s cabinet is adorned on the fret, ceiling, and chimney-piece, with Mr. Gibbons’ best carving. (Bray ed. 173). Quelle:Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

6 months ago
Scarborough Fair ist ein traditionelles englisches Volkslied, dessen Autor unbekannt ist. Die heute wohl bekannteste Version ist die Interpretation von Simon & Garfunkel, die erstmals 1966 auf dem Album Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme erschien.




From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors


The china closet can also be read in terms of architecture, as a monument to the idea of rococo. If natural science was given pride of place in the space of the closet, the feminine accents of the rococo style also sprang up in the curvaceous lines of rocks, shells and porcelain dishes completed by glittering ornaments. Shells and porcelain have traditionally stood for women, as the well-documented comparison between women and porcelain throughout the 18th century testifies.29 The china closet, either a simple cabinet or a room, can be understood as a sign of the feminisation and rococo-isation of interior decoration. The idea of rococo pervaded 18th century European culture and, despite contrasted views of scholarship about its periodisation, may be seen to emerge in the early 18th century and evolve until the late 1760s.30 The rococo style has been assumed to have reached England in the decorative arts in the 1740s but the new hybrid genre of the novel, characterised by its interplay of various literary sources and genres (romances, drama, biographies, histories) has also been identified with the idea of rococo.31 The aspect of the china closet adorned with shells, a result of female handicraft, may not strictly correspond to the lavish rococo interior decoration of a French 18th-century boudoir, but signals, I am suggesting, the rococo-isation of English interiors. Arguably, the scantiness of surviving evidence about the display of female china closets, glimpsed though examples in female correspondence or diaries, only leads to hypothetical interpretations. However, the numerous satires on the fashion for female china closets found in the periodical press of the period help reconstruct a practice that must have been popular among the aristocracy and wealthy middle classes. I propose here to examine the rococo aesthetic of the female china closet by crossing contemporary references to real china closets with an analysis of two periodical essays, the first from The Spectator published in 1712, the second being the essay previously cited (The World, 38), published in 1753. This comparative study will enable me to show the evolution of the rococo’s imprint on English interiors.

In Joseph Addison’s Spectator essay number 37, dated 12 April 1712, the fictional persona of Mr. Spectator recounts his visit to an aristocratic widow’s library. The essay aligns Leonora’s reading tastes with female chinamania, depicting the lady’s library, in the narrator’s eyes, as a hybrid and counter-natural piece of furniture decorated with Chinese porcelain:

At the End of the Folio’s (which were finely bound and gilt) were great Jars of China placed one above another in a very noble piece of Architecture. The Quarto’s were separated from the Octavo’s by a pile of smaller vessels, which rose in a delightful Pyramid. The Octavo’s were bounded by Tea dishes of all shapes, colours and Sizes, which were so disposed on a wooden Frame, that they looked like one continued Pillar indented with the finest Strokes of Sculpture, and stained with the greatest Variety of Dyes. That Part of the Library which was designed for the reception of Plays and Pamphlets, and other loose Papers, was enclosed in a kind of square, consisting of one of the prettiest Grotesque Works that ever I saw, and was made up of Scaramouches, Lions, Monkies, Mandarines, Trees, Shells, and a thousand other off Figures in China Ware[…]. I was wondefully pleased with such a mixt kind of furniture, as seemed very suitable both to the Lady and the Scholar, and did not know at first whether I should fancy my self in a Grotto, or in a Library.

Quelle:Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

1 year ago
From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors

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1 year ago
Il 15 settembre 1254 nasceva a Venezia Marco Polo, il primo grande viaggiatore che abbia lasciato testimonianza delle sue incredibili avventure, raccontate in un libro straordinario da Rustichello da Pisa (famoso scrittore di poemi cavallereschi in lingua franco-veneta, che raccolse la sua testimonianza in carcere a Genova, dove entrambi erano prigionieri, nel 1298).

Il Milione è il resoconto dei viaggi in Asia di Marco Polo, intrapresi assieme al padre Niccolò Polo e allo zio paterno Matteo Polo, mercanti e viaggiatori veneziani, tra il 1271 e il 1295, e le sue esperienze alla corte di Kublai Khan, il più grande sovrano orientale dell'epoca, del quale Marco fu al servizio per quasi 17 anni.

Il libro fu scritto da Rustichello da Pisa, un autore di romanzi cavallereschi, che trascrisse sotto dettatura le memorie rievocate da Marco Polo, mentre i due si trovavano nelle carceri di San Giorgio a Genova.

Rustichello adoperò la lingua franco-veneta, una lingua culturale diffusa nel Nord Italia tra la fascia subalpina e il basso Po. Un'altra versione fu scritta in lingua d'oïl, la lingua franca dei crociati e dei mercanti occidentali in Oriente, forse nel 1298 ma sicuramente dopo il 1296. Secondo alcuni ricercatori, il testo sarebbe poi stato rivisto dallo stesso Marco Polo una volta rientrato a Venezia, con la collaborazione di alcuni frati dell'Ordine dei Domenicani.

Considerato un capolavoro della letteratura di viaggio, Il Milione è anche un'enciclopedia geografica, che riunisce in volume le conoscenze essenziali disponibili alla fine del XIII secolo sull'Asia, e un trattato storico-geografico.[5] È stato scritto che «Marco si rivolge a tutti quelli che vogliono sapere: sapere quello che c'è al di là delle frontiere della vecchia Europa. Non mette il suo libro sotto il segno dell'utile, ma sotto il segno della conoscenza».

Rispetto ad altre relazioni di viaggio scritte nel corso del XIII secolo, come la Historia Mongalorum di Giovanni da Pian del Carpine e l'Itinerarium di Guglielmo di Rubruck, Il Milione fu eccezionale perché le sue descrizioni si spingevano ben oltre il Karakorum e arrivarono fino al Catai. Marco Polo testimoniò l'esistenza di una civiltà mongola stanziale e molto sofisticata, assolutamente paragonabile alle civiltà europee: i mongoli, insomma, non erano solo i nomadi "selvaggi" che vivevano a cavallo e si spostavano in tenda, di cui avevano parlato Giovanni da Pian del Carpine e Guglielmo di Rubruck, ma abitavano città murate, sapevano leggere, e avevano usi e costumi molto sofisticati. Così come Guglielmo di Rubruck, invece, Marco smentisce alcune leggende sull'Asia di cui gli Europei all'epoca erano assolutamente certi.

Il Milione è stato definito come "la descrizione geografica, storica, etnologica, politica, scientifica (zoologia, botanica, mineralogia) dell'Asia medievale".Le sue descrizioni contribuirono alla compilazione del Mappamondo di Fra Mauro e ispirarono i viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo.

作者:[德]托马斯·海贝勒 著;向开、刘靓 译 武汉大学出版社


托马斯·海贝勒教授撰写的《东普鲁士与中国——追溯一段不解之缘》一书以东普鲁士与中国的深远关系为切入点,紧密结合了笔者的个人经历与职业背景,多层次、多角度地展示了一段至今仍未受到足够重视,未足够曝光的历史,寄望以这种方式丰富东普鲁士的记忆文化。 全书内容嵌在传记式的家族记忆框架里,读者可由此窥探笔者同中国、同东普鲁士之间的渊源,进而了解在探究这一主题过程中笔者的个人追求、兴趣和希冀。书中涉及大量具体的记忆形象和他(它)们与中国的联系,既包括与中国相关的人物,如中国研究学者、高级军官、外交官、传教士、建筑师,也包括出生在东普鲁士的思想家、科学家、艺术家、作家和诗人对中国产生的影响,还有那些研究解读他们思想精神的中国人,以及当地犹太人逃亡中国的历史等。海贝勒教授的追根溯源早已不囿于某个家族,而是立足中德双向视角,成功展现了一段延续至今,层次丰富的地区交往史。本书不涉及政治倾向性内容。













7 months ago
The Message ist ein Lied von Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five aus dem Jahr 1982, das von Edward Fletcher, Melle Mel und Sugarhill-Gründerin Sylvia Robinson geschrieben wurde. Es erschien im gleichnamigen Album.


From the voyage of the French ship Amphitrite to China A look at the Maritime Silk Road in the 17th-18th centuries 本文原载《西北第二民族学院学报(哲社版)》2001年第2期,原题为《从法国安菲特利特号船远航中国看17-18世纪的海上丝绸之路》。



安菲特利特号船远航中国的始作俑者是法国入华耶稣会士白晋(Joachim Bouvet,1656—1730年),他是法国勒芒人。白晋神父是由法王路易十四于1685年出资派住中国的6位数学家耶稣会士之一。他于1688年2月到达北京,留在了清朝宫中并得到了大清皇帝某种程度的信任。他奉康熙皇帝的钦命,以“钦差”的身分返欧,为中国征募新人,实际上,康熙需要的主要并非是传教士,而是科学家。


实际上,传教士们的这种欢欣,是以误解为基础的。康熙皇帝对传教士们表现出了浩荡皇恩,是由于他一则希望表现出洋洋大国、泽被四夷的风范;另一方面更是希望能利用传教士的科学知识。而传教士们迂回地从事科学事业却是为了发展其布道活动,双方各有自己的打算。所以,一方的主要目的,对于另一方来说则是无关宏旨的次要琐事了。数年后,由于欧洲天主教诸国之间的利益纠纷、嫉妒心情以及天主教不同修会之间的竞争或门户之见,激起了冲突。严嘉乐(Charles Maigrot,1652-1730年)1693年3月26日有关中国礼仪的主教通谕,并未使传教士们立即失去康熙皇帝容教圣旨赋予他们的优惠条件。康熙对法国数学家耶稣会士们产生了极大好感与兴趣,于1693年7月4日在皇城内赐他们一处住院(白晋所说的地处“皇宫围墙内”,实际上是有些夸大其辞)。同一天,康熙皇帝便命令白晋神父返法以携归新学者,白晋也决心利用这次出使而为法国传教区谋求最大利益。他于7月18日以一位清朝大皇帝“钦差”的身分,离开北京返欧。当白晋神父离开法国4年后再度返回时,便迫不及待地开始了游说活动。为了制造舆论和说服路易十四本人,他于1697年用法文出版了《呈奏国王的中国皇帝之历史肖像》(即《康熙帝传》)一书,此书实际上是他当时呈奏路易十四的一份有关康熙时代中国国情的秘密报告。

但白晋并非是康熙派往欧洲的第一位使节,意大利籍的入华耶稣会士闵明我(Claudio Filippo Grimaldi,事实是冒名顶替了已逃走的多明我会士Navarette),在白晋离京时,就已经奉康熙钦命持节出使欧洲并顺利返归。白晋于其书中首次将康熙比作路易十四,并对中法两国君主都竭尽美誉之辞。当然,他为了向路易十四邀功并促使国王重视中国,不辱康熙之钦命,为了法国传教区的未来利益,说得有许多言过其实之处。法国殖民地档案馆中收藏着一卷《中国皇帝派往法国的使节—尊敬的××神父的呈文》的档案,其中阐述了中国皇帝的意图并要求法国国王作出积极回答。





由于官方的渠道不通,白晋于是便被迫向私营企业求援,他首先想到了东印度公司。该公司自1664年以来就垄断了自好望角到印度以及整个中国南海的贸易。法国东印度公司虽在暹罗作出过尝试,但其活动从未超越印度以远地区,其17世纪末叶的经济形势不允许它在远东发起新的商业攻势。白晋通过蓬查特兰伯爵的引荐,结识了让·儒尔丹(Jean Jourdan)。儒尔丹在20多年间创办了一系列贸易公司,经历过各种挫折,于 1710年在蓬查特兰的支持下,于洛里昂开办了一家海事保险公司。

佛朗索瓦·热古(Francois Egou)在《战争港口洛里昂的历史》(1887年第2版)中讲到过格鲁埃的领主让·儒尔丹(Jean Jourdan de Grouee)。马德罗尔称他为“格鲁西的儒尔丹”(Jourdan de Groussy),并以为他是一名“工业巨富和玻璃制造商”。索塔(Sottas)于其《皇家东印度公司的历史》(巴黎1905年版)和凯普兰(P. Kaepplin)于其《东印度公司》(1908年巴黎版)中,都称儒尔丹为“大船主”。达尔格伦(Dahlgren)于其《法国与太平洋沿岸的贸易关系》(1909年巴黎版)中指出,“格鲁埃的儒尔丹”又自称为“格鲁西的儒尔丹”,并且认为他是巴黎的香料富贾和批发商;贝勒维奇-期坦凯维奇则认为他是在巴黎做批发商和玻璃制造商的马赛人;考狄在《中国通史》第3卷中认为他是马赛人和批发富商;福雷奇则认为“格鲁西的儒尔丹是玻璃制造富商”。从各种迹象来看,我们应称之为“格鲁西的儒尔丹”较为合适。他事实上很可能是玻璃制造商,因为安菲特利特号船上装载着大批玻璃,它们在中国市场上的销售成了商务代理人面临的棘手问题,而且大家确实知道正是儒尔丹将这些玻璃装上船的。


每艘船上必须设两位东印度公司的监察大员,并由儒尔丹提供经费。船舶返归圣·路易港后,要由东印度公司出面销售运回的中国商品,而且还提取5%的利润。法国行政法院于1689年1月22日批准了这项协议。为了赴中国旅行,法国政府向儒尔丹出售了安菲特利特号这艘快速三桅帆船,该船当时正停泊在罗什福尔港(Rochefort)。它是由快速轻帆船长德·拉罗克(de LaRoque)装备的,他根据1698年1月28日由凡尔赛宫颁布的一道国王敕令而获得了这艘船的导航权。同一天,正在凡尔赛的海军警卫队的路易·德·拉格朗热也使拉罗克成了该船上的执旗官。当拉格朗热于1698年2月25日抵达拉罗歇尔港时,安菲特利特号船即将下水,并已为装载儒尔丹采购的货物准备就绪。



拉格朗热于其《神奇的旅行》一书中向我们介绍了拉罗克骑士的家庭关系。指出此人出生在巴黎一个富裕的市民家庭。拉罗克的个人档案也说明他一生中始终在远洋船上供职。至于安菲特利特号船上的大副,班尼斯特认为是萨里奥兹(Salioz)和弗罗热·德·拉·里戈迪埃尔(Forgerde La Rigaudier)。萨里奥兹在此之前就曾在马六甲海峡航行过。里戈迪埃尔原为罗什福尔港口的官员。里戈迪埃尔在1698-1700年首航中国时,似乎是一名忠于职守的严肃官吏,尽可能地避免介入诸同事之间的纠纷。在该船二航中国时,白晋与他(一名大副)和外科医生组成了一个“三头政治”集团,拉·里戈迪埃尔似乎公开投身于耶稣会士们的阵营中了。

安菲特利特号船上的两名二副分别是德·布瓦西(de Boissy)和德·巴里利(de Barilly)。德·布瓦西是儒尔丹的弟弟,他似乎不是职业海员,但由于儒尔丹的原因才跻身于这批人中,而且还占据着举足轻重的地位。巴里利于1706-1707年间才出现于路易港。该船上的海军军官是德·萨布勒瓦(de Sabrevois)、德·拉格朗热、德·博利厄(de Beaulieu)、小热拉尔丹(Geraldin Le Jeune)和菲利。在安菲特利特号第2次远航中国期间,博利厄任少尉军官。在拉格朗热与拉罗克的旅行记以及刘应(Claudede Visdelou,1665-1737年)神父致儒尔丹的书简中,都提到过萨布勒瓦,此人是罗什福尔港的官员,1692年成为海军见习军官,1703年成为海军少尉,1709年9月30日死于一次海难事故。1699年3月1日,拉罗克将萨布勒瓦派回欧洲,以向国王禀报安菲特利特号船远航中国的艰辛历程。

除了上述各司其职的船组人员外,安菲特利特号船还运去了儒尔丹公司的3名经理:第一商务经理德·贝纳克(de Benac)、经理和出纳员勒·普莱特尔(Le Pouletel)、经理和商务监察官员吕西安·布瓦扎尔(Lucien Boizard)。其中贝纳克是个名气很大的人物。人们发现贝纳克与拉罗克之间的关系很紧张,几乎从启程航行时便剑拔弩张了。在该船到达广州时,这种冲突关系达到了白热化程度。因为贝纳克认为拉罗克是船长,而第一经理却是公司的代理人。所以当拉罗克于1699年2月5日正式以法国国王的名义拜访广州巡抚时,贝纳克拒绝陪同前往。入华耶稣会士们本来希望遏制他的这种喜怒无常的行为,他们甚至把他当作狂徒看待。中国人也不会接受由一名蛮夷商客代表法国国王。



在这3位商务经理之外,乘安菲特利特号船入华的贸易公司职员还包括1名“商人”、1名秘书、2名雇员和8名伙计。“商人”即产品服务部主任,弗罗热于其《游记》中称之为弗朗西亚(Francia),白晋为他起的汉名是方儒法,在他与广州海关官员们打交道时便使用此名,其完整的法文原名很可能为乔治·弗朗西来(Georges Francia)。他随安菲特利特号船首航中国返法后,又随该船二航中国并暂留广州,直到1709年2月15日仍在广州任商务经理。







丹迪涅就是遭贝纳克拒绝的主要人员,维莱特便是那个未曾受过高等教育的人,卫嘉禄(Charles de Belleville,1657年—1730年)修士和其他某些人的学问实际上也并不比他高深多少。清朝皇帝于其行宫中召见所有西洋人时,维莱特被耶稣会士们冷落在一旁了。当然,对于17世纪末叶来说,挽留一个玻璃镜子工在北京,即使他是一位手艺高超的巨匠,也会令人感到莫名其妙。现在尚未找到保存下来的有关此人的任何记载。

安菲特利特号船除了运送中国公司成员之外,还带去了印度公司的两名职员。他们负责监督贸易经营,同时又阻止安菲特利特号船在中法之间漫长航程中逐港口地交易。此二人分别叫作让·佩什贝蒂(Jean Pech-berty)和让·德厄(Jean Dieu)。正如现在收藏于法国国家档案馆的一封此二人1699年2月17日写于广州的书简所证明的那样,他们的处境并不如意。1698年1月4日的协议加强了对他们的控制。

中国公司的经理们不但拒绝向他们传授任何贸易知识,而且也不肯于公司所在地为他们提供食宿。东印度公司的两名职员还申辩说,他们亲眼目睹过儒尔丹的一道直到广州才被启封的命令,要求经理们尽一切可能不让这些人掌握任何科学知识。佩什贝蒂与让·德厄经过在死亡线上的挣扎和饱受虐待之后,终于随船返回法国。佩什贝蒂从未曾与中国公司反目,他甚至在脱离东印度公司后,于安菲特利特号二航中国时仍出任中国公司的第二经理。佩什贝蒂和另一名叫作迪·朱斯(Du Jus)的职员曾制定过一项赴江西饶州和南京的旅行计划,但由于耶稣会士们横加阻拦而最终未能成行。继安菲特利特号二航离华后,佩什贝蒂仍暂留广州并作为第一经理,直到1705年11月23日尚滞留于那里。


除了这些分工明确的文武世俗人员外,安菲特利特号船上还有一大批耶稣会士。白晋首先从儒尔丹船长那里获许,除年修士外,让该船再免费运送5名耶稣会士入华。最后却增至10名。这些耶稣会士个个名声显赫,诸如巴多明(Dominique Parrenin,1665—1741年)和马若瑟那样后来成了中国传教史上的明星人物。







与安菲特利特号的船组人员相比较,耶稣会士们在熟悉中国的国情、语言和风俗习惯方面,都占有很大优势,在为康熙皇帝效劳方面也拥有很高的威信。虽然他们夸大了自己在皇帝面前的威望,但他们确实赢得了各省官吏们的好感。白晋这次以大清皇帝“钦差”身份赴欧之行,与先于他的闵明我(Claudio-Filippo Grimaldi,1639—1712年)和晚于他的傅圣铎(Jean-Francois pelisson,1657—1713年)或薄贤士(Antoine de Beauvollier,1657—1708年)诸神父的欧洲之行,有颇多相似之处,特别是薄贤士也在巴黎津津乐道地自称是中国皇帝的“钦差”。






1698年3月6日,安菲特利特号船从法国的大西洋名港拉罗歇尔港启锚远航,由拉罗克骑士指挥。6月10日,该船航抵好望角并在那里停泊20多天,以稍事休整。在从好望角到苏门答腊之间,由于它未能顺利地通过巽他(Sonde)海峡,所以只好于8月18日在印尼的亚齐靠泊。经历了9月27日在中国西沙群岛的一次风暴后,于10月5日到达在中国广东的上川岛并组织拜谒了方济各·沙勿略墓,1698年10月24日到达澳门。11月2日,这艘船在经过7个多月的远航漂泊之后,终于在广东珠江口抛锚。白晋将船留在珠江口外海,自己偕利圣学(J-Ch. de Brossia,1660-1704年)和年修士前往广州城。白晋以其“钦差”的身份,享受到了此尊号在中国应得到的所有荣誉,兵勇们向他致敬,鼓乐齐鸣并放礼炮,广州的官吏们都前来迎接这位康熙大帝“钦差”的荣归。






1699年1月20日,终于允许法国商人出售或与中国人交易这些商品了。当地中国人认为这些法国人一定是带了很多银钱,于是便从各地携带大批商品纷至沓来,争相向他们推销。从而使法国人在15天内购得满船的中国商品。但很快便从北京传来了一道上谕,严加禁止这种交易。1月26日,康熙皇帝的使者—刘应、苏霖(Jose Suarez,1656-1736年,葡萄牙耶稣会士)神父和一名鞑靼人风风火火地赶到,他们是由康熙皇帝派来的,以迎接白晋神父和法国人。因为在安菲特利特号船到达广州时,康熙皇帝正在巡视鞑靼地区。他于1698年12月15日回銮北京,翌日便遣耶稣会士们与清朝官吏前往迎接白晋及其携归的其他传教士。2月25日,耶稣会士们携带奉献皇帝的礼物入朝,康熙热烈欢迎传教士们并破例恩准他们随驾出巡。










由于中国人非常喜欢白银,所以中国公司这次共运去319846镑的银锭、银条和银币,仅有价值25663镑白银的商品。其商品主要有1箱书籍,诸如《圣经》、《宗教史》、《犹太史》、《马勒伯朗士论集》等书;普散(Poussin)以《圣经》为主题的绘画,以及勒布伦(Lebrun)、小夸佩尔(Goypel LeFils)、米尼亚尔(Mignard)等人的版画,国王和王太子的画像,枝形灯架和多枝烛台,布鲁塞尔的羽纱、羽笔,西班牙蜡烛、小刀、镀金刀、珊瑚、望远镜、首饰、鼻烟壶、首饰盒等;各种计算器、德国水晶、巴黎水晶等。






中国公司焦虑不安地等待安菲特利特号二航中国的返航,因为它可能会缓和该公司陷入困境的经营。该船于1703年8月11日才返航,其舱货价值约为150万镑。货物首先卸在布列斯特,然后又将部分商品用船运往南特,由国王的护卫艇护航。由于逆风,船航行得很慢,所以,直到10月初才开始出售中国商品,而运来的大部分商品却留在布列斯特。中国公司所获利润甚微。安菲特利特号二航中国时携归了大批家具,其中的漆器便被好奇者称为“中国-安菲特利特漆器”(Vernis Chine Amphitrite)。



From the curious to the “artinatural”: the meaning of oriental porcelain in 17th and 18th-century English interiors


The china closet and, by extension, the Lady’s dressing room where oriental porcelain was displayed, were often compared to an oriental temple, but were also seen as an emblematic temple of femininity. The female closet where porcelain, shells and sometimes books, were stored served as an instrument of female sociability, an intimate gynocentric space where women could exchange their knowledge and expertise. The visits paid by women to their respective homes often led to the inspection of the china closet and fuelled discussions on porcelain. Lady Dashwood, for example, asked for Mrs Philip Lybbe Powys’s opinion on oriental porcelain displayed in her china closet at Kirtlington Park: “Her Ladyship said she must try my judgment in china, as she ever did all the visitors of that closet, as there was one piece there so much superior to the others. I thought myself fortunate that a prodigious fine old Japan dish almost at once struck my eye”(Climenson 198). The china cabinet functioned as a female museum, as was explained in an essay from the World:

You are not to suppose that all this profusion of ornament is only to gratify her own curiosity: it is meant as a preparative to the greatest happiness of life, that of seeing company. And I assure you she gives above twenty entertainments in a year to people for whom she has no manner of regard, for no other reason in the world than to shew them the house. [I am] continually driven from room to room, to give opportunity from strangers to admire it. But as we have lately missed a favourite Chinese tumbler, and some other valuable moveables, we have entertained thoughts of confining the shew to one day in the week, and of admitting no persons whatsoever without tickets.

The exchange and display of porcelain allowed women to circumscribe an artistic practice and field of expertise of their own. It gave them authority in the realm of domestic interior decoration as well as in that of scientific knowledge. In her analysis of the Duchess of Portland’s collection of porcelain and shells, Stacey Sloboda has shown how the collection and display of naturalia ‒shells‒ and artificialia –porcelain‒ connected natural history to art, and argued that porcelain occupied an intermediary position, as both exotic curiosity and manufactured object, “complicat[ing] the binary of ”raw“ imperial specimens versus ”cooked“ Western objects of connoisseurship” (Sloboda 467). The china closet decorated with shells thus merged natural history and decorative arts. It can also be read, I suggest, in terms of narration and architecture. Women read exotic stories on the surfaces of oriental porcelain but the authority they exerted over the display of porcelain wares also transformed them into authors. David Porter has argued that the decorative patterns of transitional porcelain wares of the Ming and early Qing dynasties often represented women in ideal garden scenes. He proposes to read these scenes of female communities evolving in peaceful natural surroundings depicted on Chinese porcelain as contemporaneous analogues of female utopias and Sapphic literary works that developed in English literature in the last decades of the 17th and early 18th centuries. Porcelain surfaces read by elite women nurtured their dreams of female academies, retreats and friendly communities.

Quelle:Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The present article seeks to analyze the presence and the symbolical meaning of oriental, and in particular Chinese, porcelain in English interiors in the 17th and 18th centuries. It examines how porcelain, through its dual status as both a natural and artificial artifact, and its exotic association with the Far East, contributed to the development of the rococo in the decorative arts in England and became a metonymy for women and the female material world.

From its first modest arrival in English interiors in the early 17th century to its role in the 18th-century craze for chinoiserie, oriental porcelain always held a significant place in interior decoration. Its function and status varied according to the place where it was displayed, from cabinets of curiosities to china closets and the tea-table. Chinese and Japanese porcelain also carried a set of different, sometimes antithetical meanings according to the type of collectors who acquired them and the way they were organised and arranged in the home. Chinamania was closely associated with women in the modern period, which led to gendered perceptions of porcelain, with the china closet becoming a metonymy for woman. In this essay, I trace the evolution of oriental porcelain in English interiors and unearth the symbolic, semiotic and cultural meanings of its presence in English men and women’s collections by bringing new material and new approaches into research on chinoiserie. I first examine the cultural and stylistic meaning of 17th-century porcelain collections to show that the fascination for porcelain items was grounded in their ambiguous status as curious, natural and artistic objects. I then turn to the case study of the furnishings of Colworth House in Bedfordshire to analyse the social function of porcelain as a signifier of taste, conspicuous consumption and status. This is followed by an interpretation of porcelain along gendered lines, in which I suggest that porcelain functioned as a memento and a fetish. Lastly, I offer a reading of the china closet which can be construed, I argue, as a feminine, rococo and “artinatural” space that epitomises the perceived characteristics of porcelain in the 18th century. 

Quelle:Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


7 months ago
Waterloo Sunset ist eine Rock-Ballade der britischen Rockband The Kinks aus dem Jahr 1967. Trotz des komplexen Arrangements dauerten die Aufnahmen für Waterloo Sunset lediglich zehn Stunden. Die Single war für die Band einer der größten Erfolge; sie erreichte Platz 2 in den Melody Maker-Charts und in den UK Top 40, wo sie jedoch Silence Is Golden der Tremeloes nicht vom ersten Platz verdrängen konnte. Waterloo Sunset wurde eines der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Stücke der Kinks.





















为帮助中国开采矿藏,加强国储,汤若望在历局期间,又同中国学者合作翻译了德国矿冶学家阿格里科拉(Georgius Agricola)于1550年撰写的论述16世纪欧洲开采、冶金技术的巨著“矿冶全书”(Dere Metallica Libri XII),中译本定名为“坤舆格致”。此书编成后,汤若望进呈给朝廷,崇祯皇帝御批:“发下‘坤舆格致’全书,着地方官相酌地形,便宜采取”。

















继汤若望之后,来自德国的传教士还有纪理安(Bernard-Kiliam Stumpf)、戴进贤(Ignatius Koegler)等人,他们在钦天监供职,从事天文、历法的观测和推算工作。而死后,同样埋葬在利马窦、汤若望、南怀仁、朗士宁等前辈长眠的腾公栅栏墓地。


7 months ago
“Heroes” ist ein Rocksong von David Bowie. Das 1977 erschienene Stück handelt von zwei Liebenden, die im Schatten der Berliner Mauer zusammenkommen. Der Titel entstand in West-Berlin als Teil von Bowies Berlin-Trilogie.

2 years ago
Baroque painting is the painting associated with the Baroque cultural movement.

Baroque painting is the painting associated with the Baroque cultural movement. The movement is often identified with Absolutism, the Counter Reformation and Catholic Revival,[1][2] but the existence of important Baroque art and architecture in non-absolutist and Protestant states throughout Western Europe underscores its widespread popularity.[3]

Baroque painting encompasses a great range of styles, as most important and major painting during the period beginning around 1600 and continuing throughout the 17th century, and into the early 18th century is identified today as Baroque painting. In its most typical manifestations, Baroque art is characterized by great drama, rich, deep colour, and intense light and dark shadows, but the classicism of French Baroque painters like Poussin and Dutch genre painters such as Vermeer are also covered by the term, at least in English.[4] As opposed to Renaissance art, which usually showed the moment before an event took place, Baroque artists chose the most dramatic point, the moment when the action was occurring: Michelangelo, working in the High Renaissance, shows his David composed and still before he battles GoliathBernini's Baroque David is caught in the act of hurling the stone at the giant. Baroque art was meant to evoke emotion and passion instead of the calm rationality that had been prized during the Renaissance.

Among the greatest painters of the Baroque period are VelázquezCaravaggio,[5] Rembrandt,[6] Rubens,[7] Poussin,[8] and Vermeer.[9] Caravaggio is an heir of the humanist painting of the High Renaissance. His realistic approach to the human figure, painted directly from life and dramatically spotlit against a dark background, shocked his contemporaries and opened a new chapter in the history of painting. Baroque painting often dramatizes scenes using chiaroscuro light effects; this can be seen in works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Le Nain and La Tour. The Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck developed a graceful but imposing portrait style that was very influential, especially in England.

The prosperity of 17th century Holland led to an enormous production of art by large numbers of painters who were mostly highly specialized and painted only genre sceneslandscapesstill lifesportraits or history paintings. Technical standards were very high, and Dutch Golden Age painting established a new repertoire of subjects that was very influential until the arrival of Modernism.

7 months ago
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