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1 year ago 1 year ago
Engelbert ist ein britischer Popsänger.

Image of a Tudor style home which is characterized by a pitched roof, elaborate brick chimney, fancy doorways, and criss-cross wood

Modern Tudor homes are inspired by Medieval European Tudor homes and often have a charming cottage aesthetic. They’re popular on the East Coast and in parts of the Midwest.

Tudor homes are an easy style to identify. They feature:

  • Steeply pitched gable roofs
  • Exposed and decorative half-timbering with stucco exterior
  • Mixed-material brick or stone walls
  • Casement windows in groups or with diamond shapes

The Tudor Revival reached peak popularity in the 1920s and is still widely popular today.

Die Carpenters waren ein US-amerikanisches Pop-Duo, bestehend aus den Geschwistern Richard Carpenter und Karen Anne Carpenter.Die Carpenters erreichten den Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere in den 1970er Jahren.

Alan Jackson ist ein US-amerikanischer Country-Sänger und -Songwriter. Er ist mit 26 Nummer-1-Hits in den Country-Charts einer der erfolgreichsten Musiker des Genres und wurde 20 Mal für den Grammy nominiert und zwei Mal damit ausgezeichnet.

The Police war eine englische New-Wave-Band, die in den späten 1970er- und frühen 1980er-Jahren ihre größten Erfolge hatte. Sie gilt als eine der erfolgreichsten Rockformationen des New Wave. Anfangs von Reggae, Punk und Ska inspiriert, experimentierte das Trio später auch mit Elementen von Jazz.


A college endowment refers to all the money that an institution receives in donations. However, endowment funds are not ‘no-questions-asked’ cash boosts for the college. Instead, endowments are tightly controlled investments that are supposed to be grown so that the interest can be used to upgrade facilities, hire new staff, provide scholarships or aid the college or its students in some way.

Over the past three decades, the total market value of the 20 largest college endowments has grown nearly tenfold — from $30.6 billion to $302.1 billion. As the size of college endowments has increased, so too has the debate over their purpose, management and ethical obligations.

To get a better idea of how college endowments have changed over the last 30 years, DegreeQuery looked at the market value of the 20 largest U.S. college endowments from 1990 to 2020.

30 Years of U.S. college endowments

Based on the most recent NACUBO survey of 810 universities, the total market value of endowments in 2018 was $624.3 billion. 48.3% of that is held by just 20 colleges. But why the huge growth in market value over the past 30 years? It might be something to do with how much of the endowment the university chooses to spend on operations or the return rates of the endowment’s investment portfolio. Due to their often wealthy donor base and long-term investment horizons, the largest university endowments can invest in a diverse array of asset classes, and often grow faster than the economy as a whole.

From 1990 to 2020, the market value of the 20 largest college endowments grew at an average annual rate of 8.5% — faster than the 6.6% average annual growth rate for the Fortune 500 over the same period. The universities with the fastest growth over the past 30 years include the University of Michigan, Duke University and the University of Notre Dame. Meanwhile, the endowments with the slowest growth include Emory University, Rice University and Washington University in St. Louis.


1. U.S. college endowments in the 1990s

From 1990 to 1999, the market value of the 20 largest U.S. college endowments grew at an average annual rate of 12.5% — the fastest of the last three decades. As you can see from our graph, over this period, the University of Michigan endowment rose from the 20th largest to the 17th largest, and the University of Pennsylvania rose from the 16th largest to the 12th largest. Meanwhile, the Columbia University endowment fell from the sixth-largest to the 11th largest. Although the University of Texas System endowment had the slowest growth of the 20 largest endowments over this period, it remained the second-largest endowment overall.

largest college endowments

2. U.S. college endowments in the 2000s

Endowment growth is closely connected with the overall health of the economy. As of 2018, just 4% of endowment assets were held as cash, the rest invested in equities, fixed income instruments and alternative investment vehicles. In the lead up to the 2008 financial crisis — university endowments had increasingly invested in high-risk, illiquid investments like private equity, real estate and hedge funds. As a result, endowments lost tens of billions of dollars in value, with some schools losing more than 25% of their total endowment value. From 2008 to 2009, the total value of the 20 largest endowments fell 3.4%. Yale posted the largest percentage decline, losing 28.6% of its market value. Other university endowments that posted big losses from the recession include Harvard, Duke and Stanford.

largest college endowments 2000s bar chart

3. U.S. college endowments in the 2010s

Endowment growth rates rebounded in the wake of the Great Recession, although growth was still slow compared to the 1990s. From 2010 to 2018, the market value of the 20 largest endowments grew at an average annual rate of 7.6%. This is more than the 3.5% average annual growth rate for 2000 to 2009, yet less than the 12.5% rate for 1990 to 1999. During this period, the biggest winners were the University of Pennsylvania, rising from 11th to 7th largest, and the Texas A&M University System, which rose from 10th to 8th largest. Lackluster performance at some of the wealthiest schools has prompted some universities to make major changes to their endowment management. In 2017, for example, Harvard announced it would lay off roughly half of its 230-person staff in the wake of poor investment performance.

university endowments USA bar chart

As you can see, university endowments were big business over the past 30 years. Nowadays, students, policymakers and the general public are increasingly involved in the conversation surrounding their management, mission and societal impact. For example, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which imposed a 1.4% tax on the net investment income of the wealthiest endowments, recently sparked a wave of criticism from university administrators. Elsewhere on campus, protesting students demanded their universities divest from fossil fuel companies.

As the debate rages on and endowments continue to grow, these visualizations help us see how we got to this point.


To get a better idea of how college endowments have changed over the last 30 years, DegreeQuery looked at the market value of the 20 largest U.S. college endowments from 1990 to 2018. Data on endowment asset value by university came from the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and is unadjusted for inflation. In years when certain universities did not participate in the NACUBO survey, we estimated the endowment value based on the compound annual growth rate for all available years. Estimated figures include the market value of the endowment assets for the Texas A&M University System for 1990, as well as the market value of the endowment assets for the University of California system for the years 1990 through 1992.

Fortune 500. (n.d.) Fortune 500
NACUBO. (2019). Detailed Asset Allocations for U.S. College and University Endowments and Affiliated Foundations,
Miller, C. & Fabrikant, G. (2008). Universities retrench as endowments suffer from financial
Humphreys, J. et al. (2010). Educational Endowments and the Financial Crisis: Social Costs and Systemic Risks in the Shadow Banking System.
Plender, J. (2014). There is a history lesson to be learnt from Yale
Fabrikant, G. (2017). Harvard Makes Changes in Managing a Lagging
Tax Policy Center. (n.d.). What is the tax treatment of college and university endowments?

2 years ago 2 years ago
You Are My Sunshine ist ein Country-Song der Old-Time Music aus dem Jahre 1939, der zum Evergreen wurde.

Queen ist eine 1970 gegründete britische Rockband. Ihre Besetzung mit Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor und John Deacon blieb zwei Jahrzehnte lang unverändert.

Federal colonial homes are typically found on the East Coast and are distinguished by flat, brick exteriors, and symmetrical style. Common in the early 1800s.

Federal-style homes became popular after the American Revolution and were a refined upgrade to the popular Georgian house style. They have the same recurring shape and symmetry as other Colonial house styles, but their delicate ornamentation sets them apart.

Federal Colonial homes often feature:

  • A layout built around a central hall
  • An elliptical fanlight and two flanking lights (windows) around the door
  • Paladin or tripartite windows

The elliptical fanlights and paladin windows are key distinguishing features from Georgian-style homes.

Image of a Mediterranean style home which is characterized by arched windows, wrought-iron details, clay roof tiles, and stucco walls.

Mediterranean home styles are made of stucco, so they’re most common in warm climate states like Arizona and California. These homes grew in popularity in the 1920s and ‘30s after being featured as homes for the rich and famous on the silver screen.

Mediterranean-style homes include Spanish and Italian architectural elements. These key features make them easy to spot:

  • Stucco walls painted white or brown
  • Classic red tile roofs
  • Arched doorways and windows
  • Ornamentation including wrought iron, heavy doors, and decorative tiles

Mediterranean homes still carry the feelings of class and luxury they were built with over 100 years ago, with an added element of history and charm.


The United States has 63 national parks, which are Congressionally-designated protected areas operated by the National Park Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior.

The United States has 63 national parks, which are Congressionally-designated protected areas operated by the National Park Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior.[1] National parks are designated for their natural beauty, unique geological features, diverse ecosystems, and recreational opportunities. While legislatively all units of the National Park System are considered equal with the same mission, national parks are generally larger and more of a destination, and hunting and extractive activities are prohibited.[2] National monuments, on the other hand, are also frequently protected for their historical or archaeological significance. Eight national parks (including six in Alaska) are paired with a national preserve, areas with different levels of protection that are administered together but considered separate units and whose areas are not included in the figures below. The 423 units of the National Park System can be broadly referred to as national parks, but most have other formal designations.[3]

A bill creating the first national park, Yellowstone, was signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1872, followed by Mackinac National Park in 1875 (decommissioned in 1895), and then Rock Creek Park (later merged into National Capital Parks), Sequoia and Yosemite in 1890. The Organic Act of 1916 created the National Park Service "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."[4] Many current national parks had been previously protected as national monuments by the president under the Antiquities Act or as other designations created by Congress before being redesignated by Congress; the newest national park is New River Gorge, previously a National River, and the most recent entirely new park is National Park of American Samoa. A few former national parks are no longer designated as such, or have been disbanded. Fourteen national parks are designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS),[5] and 21 national parks are named UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BR),[6] with eight national parks in both programs.

Thirty states have national parks, as do the territories of American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The state with the most national parks is California with nine, followed by Alaska with eight, Utah with five, and Colorado with four. The largest national park is Wrangell–St. Elias in Alaska: at over 8 million acres (32,375 km2), it is larger than each of the nine smallest states. The next three largest parks are also in Alaska. The smallest park is Gateway Arch National ParkMissouri, at 192.83 acres (0.7804 km2). The total area protected by national parks is approximately 52.2 million acres (211,000 km2), for an average of 829 thousand acres (3,350 km2) but a median of only 208 thousand acres (840 km2).[7]

The national parks set a visitation record in 2017, with more than 84 million visitors and set a further record in 2018 with a 0.1% increase.[8][9] Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee has been the most-visited park since 1944,[10] and had over 14 million visitors in 2021.[11] In contrast, only about 7,000 people visited the remote Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska in 2021.

Kiss ist eine US-amerikanische Hard-Rock-Band, gegründet 1973 in New York. Mit mehr als 100 Millionen weltweit verkauften Alben zählt die Gruppe zu den erfolgreichsten Rock-Bands.

Image of a colonial home, which you can usually identify by its symmetry and its door in the exact middle of the front of the house

Colonial-style houses are simple rectangular homes that became popular in the 1600s as colonists settled the East Coast. These homes have many variations due to the fact that new communities all over the world built Colonial-style homes to suit their culture.

British Colonial style is the most common and recognizable Colonial home. Its key features include:

  • A side-gabled roof
  • Two floors
  • A centered front door
  • Symmetrical windows on either side of the door

The rectangular shape and interest in symmetry are seen in other Colonial house styles, too. Materials and decorative features can vary by region, as some Colonial houses sport brick exteriors and ornate trim, while others showcase shingle siding and simple shutters.

These are also some of the cheapest types of houses to build.

The Beatles war eine aus Liverpool stammende britische Beat-, Rock- und Pop-Band in den 1960er Jahren.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Auld Lang Syne ist eines der bekanntesten Lieder im englischsprachigen Raum. Die Melodie geht auf ein pentatonisches schottisches Volkslied zurück. Das Lied wird traditionell zum Jahreswechsel gesungen, um der Verstorbenen des zu Ende gegangenen Jahres zu gedenken.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Ein Lied von Henry Rowley Bishop und John Howard Payne aus dem Jahre 1823

"That's Life" ist ein populärer Song, der von Dean Kay und Kelly Gordon geschrieben und 1963 erstmals von Marion Montgomery aufgenommen wurde. Der Song hat die aufmunternde Botschaft, dass man trotz der Höhen und Tiefen im Leben nicht aufgeben, sondern positiv bleiben soll, denn bald wird man "back on top" sein.


8 months ago
"Feel" ist ein Lied des britischen Sängers und Songwriters Robbie Williams. Er wurde am 2. Dezember 2002 als Vorabsingle aus seinem fünften Studioalbum Escapology (2002) veröffentlicht. Der Song wurde ein internationaler Hit, der in der Tschechischen Republik, Italien, den Niederlanden, Portugal und Rumänien auf Platz eins landete und in mehreren anderen Ländern, darunter Dänemark, Deutschland, Irland, Norwegen, Schweden und das Vereinigte Königreich, in die Top 5 kam.


Katy Perry ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin und Songschreiberin.

Image of a Queen Anne style home which is usually distinguished from other homes by the conical, turret-looking portion of the house

Queen Anne homes were popularized in the later Victorian era, beginning around 1880. This style is the quintessential Victorian home for many, with ornate woodworking and decor inside and out.

Queen Anne homes have key regional differences across the country, but maintain these essentials:

  • Textured walls with decorative shingles or half-timbering
  • Large round or polygonal tower at the home’s corner
  • Steeply pitched and asymmetrical roof
  • Decorative spindles on porches and trim
  • Decorative single-pane or stained glass windows

Queen Anne architecture is most common in homes, but can also be seen in schools, churches, and office buildings.

Britney Jean Spears ist eine US-amerikanische Popsängerin.

Image of a French Colonial home which we typically associate with wrap-around porches and high ceilings, and brick or stucco construction. Think: Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

The French Colonial house style can be seen around the world and has significant variety among its sub-styles.

French Colonial houses have the same symmetry as other Colonial homes with these distinct features:

  • Dormer windows, including one centered above the door
  • External stairs to enter higher floors
  • Iron stairs and balconies
  • Slightly raised basements to support the floor

French Colonial houses are most similar to Spanish Colonial houses and easily identified by their elaborate iron balconies, stairs, and entrances.

Creedence Clearwater Revival war eine US-amerikanische Rockband aus Berkeley, Kalifornien, die unter diesem Bandnamen zwischen November 1967 und November 1972 aktiv war. Musik und Text ihrer Stücke stammen im Wesentlichen von ihrem Gründer, dem Sänger und Gitarristen John Fogerty.

Image of a second empire which was popular in the mid-to-late 1800s. The defining element is the octagonal tower.

Second Empire homes were a modern Victorian-era style that started in France before spreading through the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Second Empire architecture features similar ornate Victorian trends, though generally offers a simplified Victorian aesthetic.

These elements help identify a Second Empire home:

  • Uniquely shaped Mansard Roof
  • Decorative window framing and dormers
  • Decorative rails or balustrades around terraces and staircases
  • Iron roof crest and eaves with support brackets

Second Empire homes are also easy to identify since they’re the only Victorian-era style that often features a symmetrical, rectangular floor plan.

The U.S. health system is a mix of public and private, for-profit and nonprofit insurers and health care providers.

The U.S. health system is a mix of public and private, for-profit and nonprofit insurers and health care providers. The federal government provides funding for the national Medicare program for adults age 65 and older and some people with disabilities as well as for various programs for veterans and low-income people, including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. States manage and pay for aspects of local coverage and the safety net. Private insurance, the dominant form of coverage, is provided primarily by employers. The uninsured rate, 8.5 percent of the population, is down from 16 percent in 2010, the year that the landmark Affordable Care Act became law. Public and private insurers set their own benefit packages and cost-sharing structures, within federal and state regulations.


Justin Timberlake ist ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Songwriter, Schauspieler, Moderator und Synchronsprecher.

Image of an Italianate home which is characterized by its plain shape and height of two or three stories

Italianate architecture continues the trend of asymmetrical design, romanticism, and Medieval influence — this time borrowing features from Medieval Italy. Italianate style is common up and down the East Coast and peaked in popularity between 1850 and 1880.

Italianate architecture features:

  • Belvederes for natural light and airflow
  • Overhanging eaves with decorative support brackets
  • Tall and narrow or pedimented windows with rounded crowns
  • Cast iron detailing and decor

Pattern books were becoming a popular way for craftsmen to build homes in different styles. This flexibility meant Italianate features were accessible for a variety of homes including large estates and urban townhouses.

Boney M. ist eine von Frank Farian produzierte Disco-Formation, die vor allem in den 1970er Jahren international Erfolge mit Stücken wie Daddy Cool, Rivers of Babylon und Ma Baker hatte. Weltweit wurden von Boney M. über 150 Millionen Tonträger verkauft, darunter mehr als 60 Millionen Singles.

Elvis Aaron Presley häufig nur Elvis genannt, war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Musiker und Schauspieler. Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Rock- und Popkultur des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Image of a prairie style home which is typically more horizontal than vertical and sometime confused for ranch style homes

Prairie-style homes were made famous by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. These homes celebrate and complement the natural beauty of the Midwestern landscape with low and long shapes in the floor plan and building elements.

Prairie-style houses showcase:

  • Long and low-to-the-ground builds
  • Flat or shallow roofs with overhanging eaves
  • Thin bricks or stucco exteriors to match the house shape
  • Minimalist yet stylized ornamentation

Prairie houses inspired the flat planes and natural elements popular in Mid-century houses.