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1 year ago
Cher ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songwriterin und Schauspielerin. Durch ihr Auftreten und Wirken in Musik, Film und Fernsehen wie auch in der Mode wurde sie zu einer Ikone der Popkultur. Ihr wird der Einzug weiblicher Eigenständigkeit und Selbstverwirklichung in die Unterhaltungsindustrie zugeschrieben.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Auld Lang Syne ist eines der bekanntesten Lieder im englischsprachigen Raum. Die Melodie geht auf ein pentatonisches schottisches Volkslied zurück. Das Lied wird traditionell zum Jahreswechsel gesungen, um der Verstorbenen des zu Ende gegangenen Jahres zu gedenken.

1 year ago
Dean Martin war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Entertainer italienischer Abstammung.

2 years ago

Image of a Cape Cod home which became especially popular during the 1930s

Cape Cod homes are similar to the British or American Colonial homes, though they originated further north in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These are often seen as the classic American family home since the style’s revival in the 20th Century.

Cape Cod homes are identified by their:

  • Shingle exteriors
  • Modest size and ornamentation compared to British Colonial homes
  • Originally single-story homes
  • Large central fireplaces
  • Attic lofts (20th-century revival)
  • Dormer windows (20th-century revival)

Cape Cod homes are built of local wood and stone to withstand the north-eastern weather. This exterior weathering provides an iconic weathered-blue color to these homes.

Image of a French country home which is often rustic and refined, inspired by homes in the French countryside

A French Country home has a rustic yet upscale charm. French Country architecture is designed after French chateaus and became popular with American soldiers returning from World War I.

French Country homes offer a unique house style featuring:

  • Steep pitched or hipped roofs
  • Tall ceilings and windows
  • Traditional materials including clay, stone, and brick offer a rustic appeal
  • Exposed wooden beams in ceilings and walls

French Country homes are designed with their environment in mind. They often feature neutral colors with soft, nature-inspired pops of color like sunshine yellows and grass greens.

Image of a Tudor style home which is characterized by a pitched roof, elaborate brick chimney, fancy doorways, and criss-cross wood

Modern Tudor homes are inspired by Medieval European Tudor homes and often have a charming cottage aesthetic. They’re popular on the East Coast and in parts of the Midwest.

Tudor homes are an easy style to identify. They feature:

  • Steeply pitched gable roofs
  • Exposed and decorative half-timbering with stucco exterior
  • Mixed-material brick or stone walls
  • Casement windows in groups or with diamond shapes

The Tudor Revival reached peak popularity in the 1920s and is still widely popular today.

Image of a Greek Revival home which is characterized by chimneys placed as far back as possible to help resemble a Greek temple

Around the 1820s, Americans experienced a renewed interest in classic Greek and Roman culture. This cultural shift was a natural fit for architects, who brought the Greek Revival house style to life.

Greek Revival architecture became popular in homes as well as businesses, banks, and churches. Prominent features include:

  • Easy to identify shapes, including a rectangular building and triangular roofs
  • Gable-front designs
  • Large porches and protected entryways
  • Greek-inspired columns both square and round

Greek Revival homes often have decorative trim and moulding around the front door and windows. These ornate features and columns are easy ways to identify Greek Revival architecture.

Justin Timberlake ist ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Songwriter, Schauspieler, Moderator und Synchronsprecher.

1 year ago
Elvis Aaron Presley häufig nur Elvis genannt, war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Musiker und Schauspieler. Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Rock- und Popkultur des 20. Jahrhunderts.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Ein Lied von Henry Rowley Bishop und John Howard Payne aus dem Jahre 1823

1 year ago
Die Bee Gees waren eine englischsprachige Popgruppe der Brüder Barry, Maurice und Robin Gibb.

Federal colonial homes are typically found on the East Coast and are distinguished by flat, brick exteriors, and symmetrical style. Common in the early 1800s.

Federal-style homes became popular after the American Revolution and were a refined upgrade to the popular Georgian house style. They have the same recurring shape and symmetry as other Colonial house styles, but their delicate ornamentation sets them apart.

Federal Colonial homes often feature:

  • A layout built around a central hall
  • An elliptical fanlight and two flanking lights (windows) around the door
  • Paladin or tripartite windows

The elliptical fanlights and paladin windows are key distinguishing features from Georgian-style homes.

2 years ago

Image of a Victorian home which is typically large and imposing with asymetrical features

Victorian homes were built between 1837 and 1901 while Queen Victoria reigned in Britain. “Victorian” actually refers to multiple styles that vary in influence, but each features ornate detailing and asymmetrical floor plans.

The key features of a Victorian-era home include:

  • Elaborate woodwork and trim
  • Towers, turrets, and dormer windows
  • Steep gabled roofs
  • Partial or full-width porches

Victorian homes are all about ornamentation — industrialization allowed these homes to be produced en masse and across a variety of architectural styles.

1 year ago
"Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song. A broadside ballad by the name "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" was registered by Richard Jones at the London Stationer's Company in September 1580, and the tune is found in several late-16th-century and early-17th-century sources, such as Ballet's MS Lute Book and Het Luitboek van Thysius, as well as various manuscripts preserved in the Seeley Historical Library in the University of Cambridge.

Die Carpenters waren ein US-amerikanisches Pop-Duo, bestehend aus den Geschwistern Richard Carpenter und Karen Anne Carpenter.Die Carpenters erreichten den Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere in den 1970er Jahren.

500 Miles (auch bekannt als englisch 500 Miles away from home oder Railroader’s Lament) ist ein amerikanischer Folksong, der von Hedy West im Jahr 1961 geschrieben wurde. Die Ballade hat eine melancholische Grundstimmung und handelt von einem Eisenbahner, der immer viel zu lange von zu Hause fort ist.

Frank Sinatra war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Entertainer. Seine international erfolgreichen Hits, darunter Strangers in the Night, My Way und New York, New York, bescherten Sinatra Weltruhm; seine Alben wurden mehr als 150 Millionen Mal verkauft.

2 years ago

Image of a colonial home, which you can usually identify by its symmetry and its door in the exact middle of the front of the house

Colonial-style houses are simple rectangular homes that became popular in the 1600s as colonists settled the East Coast. These homes have many variations due to the fact that new communities all over the world built Colonial-style homes to suit their culture.

British Colonial style is the most common and recognizable Colonial home. Its key features include:

  • A side-gabled roof
  • Two floors
  • A centered front door
  • Symmetrical windows on either side of the door

The rectangular shape and interest in symmetry are seen in other Colonial house styles, too. Materials and decorative features can vary by region, as some Colonial houses sport brick exteriors and ornate trim, while others showcase shingle siding and simple shutters.

These are also some of the cheapest types of houses to build.

2 years ago 2 years ago
The Cascades war eine US-amerikanische in San Diego beheimatete Doo-Wop-Musikgruppe.

8 months ago
Young Americans ist das im Jahr 1975 veröffentlichte neunte Studioalbum von David Bowie, mit dem er sich nach eigenen Angaben am amerikanischen Musikmarkt behaupten wollte. Er verließ musikalisch den Rock-Sound seiner bisherigen Alben und nahm Young Americans innerhalb einer Woche in den Sigma Sound Studios in Philadelphia mit Hilfe überwiegend afroamerikanischer Soul- und Funkmusiker und John Lennons auf.


Image of a Mediterranean style home which is characterized by arched windows, wrought-iron details, clay roof tiles, and stucco walls.

Mediterranean home styles are made of stucco, so they’re most common in warm climate states like Arizona and California. These homes grew in popularity in the 1920s and ‘30s after being featured as homes for the rich and famous on the silver screen.

Mediterranean-style homes include Spanish and Italian architectural elements. These key features make them easy to spot:

  • Stucco walls painted white or brown
  • Classic red tile roofs
  • Arched doorways and windows
  • Ornamentation including wrought iron, heavy doors, and decorative tiles

Mediterranean homes still carry the feelings of class and luxury they were built with over 100 years ago, with an added element of history and charm.


1 year ago
Alan Jackson ist ein US-amerikanischer Country-Sänger und -Songwriter. Er ist mit 26 Nummer-1-Hits in den Country-Charts einer der erfolgreichsten Musiker des Genres und wurde 20 Mal für den Grammy nominiert und zwei Mal damit ausgezeichnet.

1 year ago
Y.M.C.A. ist ein Popsong der US-amerikanischen Disco-Band Village People aus dem Jahr 1978.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Die Bee Gees waren eine englischsprachige Popgruppe der Brüder Barry, Maurice und Robin Gibb.

8 months ago
"Feel" ist ein Lied des britischen Sängers und Songwriters Robbie Williams. Er wurde am 2. Dezember 2002 als Vorabsingle aus seinem fünften Studioalbum Escapology (2002) veröffentlicht. Der Song wurde ein internationaler Hit, der in der Tschechischen Republik, Italien, den Niederlanden, Portugal und Rumänien auf Platz eins landete und in mehreren anderen Ländern, darunter Dänemark, Deutschland, Irland, Norwegen, Schweden und das Vereinigte Königreich, in die Top 5 kam.


1 year ago
The Beatles war eine aus Liverpool stammende britische Beat-, Rock- und Pop-Band in den 1960er Jahren.

1 year ago
John Lennon war ein britischer Musiker, Komponist und Friedensaktivist sowie Oscar- und mehrfacher Grammy-Preisträger. Weltweit berühmt wurde er als Mitgründer, Sänger und Gitarrist der britischen Rockband The Beatles, für die er nach Paul McCartney die meisten Stücke schrieb.

Albert Hammond ist ein britisch-gibraltarischer Singer-Songwriter und Musikproduzent.

The Royal Exchange in London was founded in the 16th century by the merchant Sir Thomas Gresham on the suggestion of his factor Richard Clough to act as a centre of commerce for the City of London.

The Royal Exchange in London was founded in the 16th century by the merchant Sir Thomas Gresham on the suggestion of his factor Richard Clough to act as a centre of commerce for the City of London.[1] The site was provided by the City of London Corporation and the Worshipful Company of Mercers, who still jointly own the freehold. It is trapezoidal in shape and is flanked by Cornhill and Threadneedle Street, which converge at Bank junction in the heart of the city. It lies in the ward of Cornhill.

It has twice been destroyed by fire and subsequently rebuilt. The present building was designed by Sir William Tite in the 1840s. The site was notably occupied by the Lloyd's insurance market for nearly 150 years. Today the Royal Exchange contains Fortnum & Mason The Bar & Restaurant, luxury shops, and offices.

Traditionally, the steps of the Royal Exchange are the place where certain royal proclamations (such as the dissolution of parliament) are read out by either a herald or a crier. Following the death or abdication of a monarch and the confirmation of the next monarch's accession to the throne by the Accession Council, the Royal Exchange Building is one of the locations where a herald proclaims the new monarch's reign to the public.

The Police war eine englische New-Wave-Band, die in den späten 1970er- und frühen 1980er-Jahren ihre größten Erfolge hatte. Sie gilt als eine der erfolgreichsten Rockformationen des New Wave. Anfangs von Reggae, Punk und Ska inspiriert, experimentierte das Trio später auch mit Elementen von Jazz.