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1 year ago
George Baker

2 years ago 2 years ago
Ein Lied von Henry Rowley Bishop und John Howard Payne aus dem Jahre 1823

Image of a Mediterranean style home which is characterized by arched windows, wrought-iron details, clay roof tiles, and stucco walls.

Mediterranean home styles are made of stucco, so they’re most common in warm climate states like Arizona and California. These homes grew in popularity in the 1920s and ‘30s after being featured as homes for the rich and famous on the silver screen.

Mediterranean-style homes include Spanish and Italian architectural elements. These key features make them easy to spot:

  • Stucco walls painted white or brown
  • Classic red tile roofs
  • Arched doorways and windows
  • Ornamentation including wrought iron, heavy doors, and decorative tiles

Mediterranean homes still carry the feelings of class and luxury they were built with over 100 years ago, with an added element of history and charm.


Phil Collins ist ein britischer Schlagzeuger, Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent und Schauspieler. Er wurde sowohl als Mitglied der Rockband Genesis als auch als Solokünstler bekannt, gehört mit über 150 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern zu den weltweit erfolgreichsten Musikern.

Kiss ist eine US-amerikanische Hard-Rock-Band, gegründet 1973 in New York. Mit mehr als 100 Millionen weltweit verkauften Alben zählt die Gruppe zu den erfolgreichsten Rock-Bands.

1 year ago
Cher ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songwriterin und Schauspielerin. Durch ihr Auftreten und Wirken in Musik, Film und Fernsehen wie auch in der Mode wurde sie zu einer Ikone der Popkultur. Ihr wird der Einzug weiblicher Eigenständigkeit und Selbstverwirklichung in die Unterhaltungsindustrie zugeschrieben.

1 year ago
Madonna ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songschreiberin, Schauspielerin, Autorin, Regisseurin, Produzentin und Designerin.

2 years ago

Welcome, this is a farmhouse. We have cluster flies, alas, and this time of year is bad. We are so very sorry. There is little we can do but swat them.

The American Farmhouse is a simple and timeless style. Farmhouses are designed to be practical first and foremost. They’re common across the US and often showcase regional variations, like wrap-around porches in the South.

Farmhouses have evolved with time and location, but often feature these elements:

  • Rectangular floor plan
  • Large front porches
  • Natural wood and stone materials
  • Few and small windows
  • Formal front rooms separated from family rooms

Of course, the easiest way to identify a farmhouse is that they’ll often be situated on a large plot of farmland.

1 year ago
Hank Williams war ein US-amerikanischer Country-Musiker und Songwriter. Er hat zahlreiche Musiker, beispielsweise Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Bob Dylan oder David Allan Coe beeinflusst.

2 years ago

Image of a Georgian home which is characterized by square or rectangular shapes, brick, and symmetrical windows, shutters, and columns.

Georgian-style homes were one of the most common styles in the 18th century and showcased formal and classical details that previous homes didn’t. Georgian houses are similar to Federal houses, though they can be distinguished by:

  • A crown and pilasters framing the front door
  • Decorative quoins or bricks at the corners
  • Smooth decorative blocks as moulding

You can also find regional variations with hooded front doors and pent roofs between levels.

Image of a Dutch Revival House which is a sub-style of the Dutch Colonial style primarily characterized by gambrel roofs having curved eaves along the length of the house

Most Dutch Colonial homes you find today are actually from the Colonial Revival period of the early 20th Century. Original Dutch Colonial homes feature flared roof eaves and creative wood and brickwork. They are much more ornamental than classic Colonial homes, though the Dutch Colonial Revival style tends to be more subdued than the original Dutch Colonial homes.

Dutch Colonial Revival houses feature:

  • Broad gambrel roofs that are visually similar to barn-style roofs
  • Open-floor plans
  • Flared roof eaves
  • Split doors

The large barn-style roofs are the most identifiable feature of a Dutch Colonial home and even became known as “Dutch roofs.”

Creedence Clearwater Revival war eine US-amerikanische Rockband aus Berkeley, Kalifornien, die unter diesem Bandnamen zwischen November 1967 und November 1972 aktiv war. Musik und Text ihrer Stücke stammen im Wesentlichen von ihrem Gründer, dem Sänger und Gitarristen John Fogerty.

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (abbreviation: AAA&S) is one of the oldest learned societies in the United States. It was founded in 1780 during the American Revolution by John AdamsJohn HancockJames Bowdoin,[1] Andrew Oliver, and other Founding Fathers of the United States.[2] It is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Membership in the academy is achieved through a thorough petition, review, and election process.[3] The academy's quarterly journal, Dædalus, is published by MIT Press on behalf of the academy.[4] The academy also conducts multidisciplinary public policy research.

The Academy was established by the Massachusetts legislature on May 4, 1780, charted in order "to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people."[6] The sixty-two incorporating fellows represented varying interests and high standing in the political, professional, and commercial sectors of the state. The first class of new members, chosen by the Academy in 1781, included Benjamin Franklin and George Washington as well as several international honorary members. The initial volume of Academy Memoirs appeared in 1785, and the Proceedings followed in 1846. In the 1950s, the Academy launched its journal Daedalus, reflecting its commitment to a broader intellectual and socially-oriented program.[7]

Since the second half of the twentieth century, independent research has become a central focus of the Academy. In the late 1950s, arms control emerged as one of its signature concerns. The Academy also served as the catalyst in establishing the National Humanities Center in North Carolina. In the late 1990s, the Academy developed a new strategic plan, focusing on four major areas: science, technology, and global security; social policy and education; humanities and culture; and education. In 2002, the Academy established a visiting scholars program in association with Harvard University. More than 75 academic institutions from across the country have become Affiliates of the Academy to support this program and other Academy initiatives.[8]

The Academy has sponsored a number of awards and prizes,[9] throughout its history and has offered opportunities for fellowships and visiting scholars at the Academy.[10]

In July 2013, the Boston Globe exposed then president Leslie Berlowitz for falsifying her credentials, faking a doctorate, and consistently mistreating her staff.[11] Berlowitz subsequently resigned.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Scott McKenzie war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Songwriter und Gitarrist.

1 year ago 1 year ago
Engelbert ist ein britischer Popsänger.

Image of a mid-century home except they don't tell you which century so I don't know...

Mid-century Modern designs are nothing new and have influenced interior design, graphic art, and house styles. Mid-century Modern homes are designed to embrace minimalism and nature. They’re also often modeled to appeal to a futuristic or abstract concept.

Mid-century Modern homes can be identified by their:

  • Flat planes and clean lines
  • Monochromatic brickwork
  • Asymmetrical home layouts
  • Nature-inspired interior
  • Interior level shifts between rooms

Mid-century architecture is still widely popular today, as are Mid-century Modern interior design and furniture trends.

1 year ago
Elvis Aaron Presley häufig nur Elvis genannt, war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Musiker und Schauspieler. Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Rock- und Popkultur des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Image of a Greek Revival home which is characterized by chimneys placed as far back as possible to help resemble a Greek temple

Around the 1820s, Americans experienced a renewed interest in classic Greek and Roman culture. This cultural shift was a natural fit for architects, who brought the Greek Revival house style to life.

Greek Revival architecture became popular in homes as well as businesses, banks, and churches. Prominent features include:

  • Easy to identify shapes, including a rectangular building and triangular roofs
  • Gable-front designs
  • Large porches and protected entryways
  • Greek-inspired columns both square and round

Greek Revival homes often have decorative trim and moulding around the front door and windows. These ornate features and columns are easy ways to identify Greek Revival architecture.

8 months ago
Ashes to Ashes ist ein Lied von David Bowie aus dem Jahr 1980. Das Lied wurde als Single und auf Bowies Album Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) veröffentlicht. Die Single und das Album läuteten einen erneuten Stilwechsel Bowies ein. Der Musiker trennte sich von einem Teil der Besetzung seiner Band und von Produzent Tony Visconti.

1 year ago
Die Backstreet Boys (BSB) sind eine US-amerikanische Boygroup. Sie wurde 1993 in Orlando, Florida von Lou Pearlman gegründet und ist mit weltweit mehr als 130 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern eine der erfolgreichsten Gesangsgruppen weltweit.

2 years ago

Image of a Craftsman home, which is an American architectural tradition that spread primarily mostly between 1900 and 1929 and then 1929 happened. Inquire within.

There was a renewed interest in handcrafted art and design following the industrial revolution. This became the “Arts and Crafts” era and paved the way for the Craftsman home, or “arts and crafts” home.

Craftsman homes focus on simplicity to counter the ornate stylings of Victorian homes. They’re also designed to highlight the craftsmanship of its builders and include:

  • A low-pitched roof with overhanging eaves
  • A covered porch
  • Woodwork including exposed beams and built-in features like shelving
  • Natural tones to complement the warmth from woodworking

Craftsman homes are favored for their character and are another versatile style that may borrow common elements from other home styles.

Bob Dylan ist ein US-amerikanischer Singer-Songwriter, Lyriker und Schauspieler. Er gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Musiker des 20. Jahrhunderts.

2 years ago 2 years ago

Despite the car initially being built in 1885 in Germany, American manufacturers completely dominated the automotive industry of the mid-twentieth century. Applaud be to Henry Ford, who established the first conveyor assembly line for his Model T on December 1, 1913. This creation reduced the production time of one vehicle from 12 hours to an hour and 33 minutes, making it a lot cheaper. Ford’s goal was to make automobiles accessible to everyone, and he achieved it. Nowadays, around 91% of American households own at least one car. 


Before vehicles became widely available, people who lived in the city worked in the city, while most of those who settled in the country were farmers. Now that it was possible to travel vast distances in a short amount of time, the thought of dwelling away from the bustling downtown while still being able to work there looked tempting. After World War II, many soldiers received an opportunity to live on their property in a single-family home, resulting in a baby boom and a surge in demand for tract houses. Seventy-seven million children had been born by the end of 1964. At that time, the suburbs were booming, with over a third of the population residing there. 

The American Road Trip

Cars turned into a symbol of personal freedom and independence, allowing us to travel throughout the nation at will. For many families, the famous American road trip is a ritual. The destination itself, often overlooked, holds little value, as that feeling of liberty and the ability to travel to any desired location in the country alongside your family and friends is what brings immense joy. The complex infrastructure designed around your car makes this activity even better.

New Business Categories

Many new businesses started along with the development of automobiles. Getting hungry in the middle of the trip stopped being a problem. Just hit the local drive-in or drive-thru where carhops, sometimes on roller skates, will take care of the food orders, letting you stay inside the car. After everyone is full and satisfied, the desire to watch a good movie kicks in. So, our next destination is the drive-in theater. This gigantic outdoor screen with a parking area next to it was popular in the 1950s, romanticized by TV series such as Happy DaysAmerican Graffiti, and Grease. Once again, there was no need to leave the vehicle unless you wanted to get some snacks from the concession stand. On the way home, let’s stop at a mall for some shopping. It is convenient to have many different stores gathered for us in one place. However, the distance from the downtown is reasonable. That is why we have cars; otherwise, such shopping centers wouldn’t exist. 

Hot Rodding, Drag Racing, and NASCAR

Coming back home from a heartwarming, peaceful family trip, it feels like there is a need for something more out of your car. What if it could go faster? Solely add an enormous engine and get a fancy paint job, turning it into a hot rod. Hot rodding and drag racing are motorsports that gained popularity in the 1950s and remain relevant. Another is NASCAR, where racers compete on slightly tilted speedways using stock cars. It is, by the way, the second most spectated sport in the USA behind the NFL (National Football League).

We could write a book on the tremendous impact cars made on American culture and society. However, a piece of paper could never fully convey all the experiences, as every automobile becomes unique in our hands. At Tempus Logix, we offer auto transportation across the nation, no matter if it is a hot rod, a family van, or a tractor: so that your motor vehicle can always stay by your side. (

Federal colonial homes are typically found on the East Coast and are distinguished by flat, brick exteriors, and symmetrical style. Common in the early 1800s.

Federal-style homes became popular after the American Revolution and were a refined upgrade to the popular Georgian house style. They have the same recurring shape and symmetry as other Colonial house styles, but their delicate ornamentation sets them apart.

Federal Colonial homes often feature:

  • A layout built around a central hall
  • An elliptical fanlight and two flanking lights (windows) around the door
  • Paladin or tripartite windows

The elliptical fanlights and paladin windows are key distinguishing features from Georgian-style homes.

2 years ago

Image of a colonial home, which you can usually identify by its symmetry and its door in the exact middle of the front of the house

Colonial-style houses are simple rectangular homes that became popular in the 1600s as colonists settled the East Coast. These homes have many variations due to the fact that new communities all over the world built Colonial-style homes to suit their culture.

British Colonial style is the most common and recognizable Colonial home. Its key features include:

  • A side-gabled roof
  • Two floors
  • A centered front door
  • Symmetrical windows on either side of the door

The rectangular shape and interest in symmetry are seen in other Colonial house styles, too. Materials and decorative features can vary by region, as some Colonial houses sport brick exteriors and ornate trim, while others showcase shingle siding and simple shutters.

These are also some of the cheapest types of houses to build.

8 months ago
"Crocodile Rock" ist ein Song, der von Elton John und Bernie Taupin geschrieben und im Sommer 1972 im Studio Château d'Hérouville in Frankreich aufgenommen wurde, wo John und sein Team zuvor das Album Honky Château aufgenommen hatten. Es wurde am 27. Oktober 1972 in Großbritannien und am 20. November 1972 in den USA veröffentlicht. In den USA wurde es am 5. Februar 1973 mit Gold und am 13. September 1995 mit Platin von der RIAA ausgezeichnet.

2 years ago 2 years ago
"Red River Valley" is a folk song and cowboy music standard of uncertain origins that has gone by different names (such as "Cowboy Love Song", "Bright Sherman Valley", "Bright Laurel Valley", "In the Bright Mohawk Valley", and "Bright Little Valley") , depending on where it has been sung.

"Bennie and the Jets" (auch "Benny & the Jets" genannt) ist ein Lied, das von dem englischen Musiker Elton John und dem Songwriter Bernie Taupin geschrieben und von John gesungen wurde. Das Lied erschien erstmals 1973 auf dem Album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. "Bennie and the Jets" ist einer von Johns beliebtesten Songs.


Boney M. ist eine von Frank Farian produzierte Disco-Formation, die vor allem in den 1970er Jahren international Erfolge mit Stücken wie Daddy Cool, Rivers of Babylon und Ma Baker hatte. Weltweit wurden von Boney M. über 150 Millionen Tonträger verkauft, darunter mehr als 60 Millionen Singles.

2 years ago

Image of a ranch style home which is often one story with pitched roofing, an open floor plan, and a dedicated patio area

Ranch house styles are the most searched style in the US today and are common in cities and suburbs across the country. There are various ranch house styles, including California and split-level ranch homes. The main distinguishing features between these styles are living space and home layout.

Ranch style homes feature:

  • Single-story floor plans with low-pitched roofs
  • Rectangular, “U,” or “L” shaped open floor plans
  • Patio or deck space connected to the home
  • Often includes a finished basement or attached garage

Ranch homes are the most popular homes in 34 US states — particularly in the Midwest and on the East Coast.