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8 months ago
Space Oddity ist ein Musiktitel des britischen Musikers David Bowie.


1 year ago
Cher ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songwriterin und Schauspielerin. Durch ihr Auftreten und Wirken in Musik, Film und Fernsehen wie auch in der Mode wurde sie zu einer Ikone der Popkultur. Ihr wird der Einzug weiblicher Eigenständigkeit und Selbstverwirklichung in die Unterhaltungsindustrie zugeschrieben.

Bonnie Tyler ist eine britische Pop- und Rocksängerin. Der Durchbruch gelang ihr in den 1970er Jahren mit Lost in France und It’s a Heartache. Sie erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und war mehrfach für den Grammy und den Brit Award nominiert.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Auld Lang Syne ist eines der bekanntesten Lieder im englischsprachigen Raum. Die Melodie geht auf ein pentatonisches schottisches Volkslied zurück. Das Lied wird traditionell zum Jahreswechsel gesungen, um der Verstorbenen des zu Ende gegangenen Jahres zu gedenken.

2 years ago 2 years ago
American popular music has had a profound effect on music across the world.

American popular music has had a profound effect on music across the world. The country has seen the rise of popular styles that have had a significant influence on global culture, including ragtimebluesjazzswingrockbluegrasscountryR&Bdoo wopgospelsoulfunkpunkdiscohousetechnosalsagrunge and hip hop. In addition, the American music industry is quite diverse, supporting a number of regional styles such as zydecoklezmer and slack-key.

Distinctive styles of American popular music emerged early in the 19th century, and in the 20th century the American music industry developed a series of new forms of music, using elements of blues and other genres of American folk music. These popular styles included country, R&B, jazz and rock. The 1960s and 1970s saw a number of important changes in American popular music, including the development of a number of new styles, such as heavy metal, punk, soul, and hip hop. Though these styles were not in the sense of mainstream, they were commercially recorded and are thus examples of popular music as opposed to folk or classical music.

8 months ago
"That's Life" ist ein populärer Song, der von Dean Kay und Kelly Gordon geschrieben und 1963 erstmals von Marion Montgomery aufgenommen wurde. Der Song hat die aufmunternde Botschaft, dass man trotz der Höhen und Tiefen im Leben nicht aufgeben, sondern positiv bleiben soll, denn bald wird man "back on top" sein.


8 months ago
Ashes to Ashes ist ein Lied von David Bowie aus dem Jahr 1980. Das Lied wurde als Single und auf Bowies Album Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) veröffentlicht. Die Single und das Album läuteten einen erneuten Stilwechsel Bowies ein. Der Musiker trennte sich von einem Teil der Besetzung seiner Band und von Produzent Tony Visconti.

2 years ago

Image of a modern-style home which is from a period in the 1960s and 1970s and is no longer considered modern but a relic from a different time

Modern home design became popular in the early 20th century and has a heavy influence on today’s contemporary designs. The core of modern designs can be seen in their:

  • Use of geometric shapes
  • Large, floor-to-ceiling windows
  • Clean lines and flat roofs
  • Open floor plans

These styles attempt to connect with nature through minimalism and fluid design between outdoor and indoor spaces. Modern house styles branch into a few key sub-styles.

Image of a Tudor style home which is characterized by a pitched roof, elaborate brick chimney, fancy doorways, and criss-cross wood

Modern Tudor homes are inspired by Medieval European Tudor homes and often have a charming cottage aesthetic. They’re popular on the East Coast and in parts of the Midwest.

Tudor homes are an easy style to identify. They feature:

  • Steeply pitched gable roofs
  • Exposed and decorative half-timbering with stucco exterior
  • Mixed-material brick or stone walls
  • Casement windows in groups or with diamond shapes

The Tudor Revival reached peak popularity in the 1920s and is still widely popular today.

1 year ago
Elvis Presley häufig nur Elvis genannt, war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Musiker und Schauspieler. Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Rock- und Popkultur des 20. Jahrhunderts.

1 year ago
Madonna ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Songschreiberin, Schauspielerin, Autorin, Regisseurin, Produzentin und Designerin.

1 year ago
Michael Jackson war ein US-amerikanischer Pop-, Soul-, R&B-, Funk-, Disco- und Rocksänger, Tänzer, Songwriter, Autor, Musik- und Filmproduzent sowie Musikmanager.

2 years ago

Image of a cottage home which tends to be small, cozy homes in rural and rustic areas but not always so

Cottage-style homes are often quaint and cozy — emphasizing charm and comfort over ornamentation. Cottage houses come in a variety of styles and can mimic bungalows, Tudor house styles, and more.

Look for these designs to identify a cottage:

  • Asymmetrical exterior
  • Typically one to one-and-a-half stories
  • Traditional aesthetics that aren’t too rustic
  • Open floor plans with wide halls and doorways

A cottage house style is extremely versatile, and its small size makes it great for small families or guest houses.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Scott McKenzie war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Songwriter und Gitarrist.

1 year ago
George Baker

8 months ago
Young Americans ist das im Jahr 1975 veröffentlichte neunte Studioalbum von David Bowie, mit dem er sich nach eigenen Angaben am amerikanischen Musikmarkt behaupten wollte. Er verließ musikalisch den Rock-Sound seiner bisherigen Alben und nahm Young Americans innerhalb einer Woche in den Sigma Sound Studios in Philadelphia mit Hilfe überwiegend afroamerikanischer Soul- und Funkmusiker und John Lennons auf.


2 years ago

Image of a Victorian home which is typically large and imposing with asymetrical features

Victorian homes were built between 1837 and 1901 while Queen Victoria reigned in Britain. “Victorian” actually refers to multiple styles that vary in influence, but each features ornate detailing and asymmetrical floor plans.

The key features of a Victorian-era home include:

  • Elaborate woodwork and trim
  • Towers, turrets, and dormer windows
  • Steep gabled roofs
  • Partial or full-width porches

Victorian homes are all about ornamentation — industrialization allowed these homes to be produced en masse and across a variety of architectural styles.

1 year ago
James Brown war ein US-amerikanischer Musiker. Er spielte Orgel, Klavier, Gitarre und Schlagzeug, trat aber fast ausschließlich als Sänger und Tänzer auf. Außerdem war er Bandleader und Musikproduzent. Brown besaß eine herausragende Stellung im Rhythm and Blues und Soul der 1950er und 1960er Jahre und hatte maßgeblichen Einfluss bei der Entstehung eines neuen Stils des Rhythm and Blues, des Funk, der seinerseits spätere Musikstile wie Disco, Hip-Hop und House stark beeinflusste.

1 year ago
"Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song. A broadside ballad by the name "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" was registered by Richard Jones at the London Stationer's Company in September 1580, and the tune is found in several late-16th-century and early-17th-century sources, such as Ballet's MS Lute Book and Het Luitboek van Thysius, as well as various manuscripts preserved in the Seeley Historical Library in the University of Cambridge.

2 years ago 2 years ago
Doris Day war eine US-amerikanische Filmschauspielerin und Sängerin.

Image of a Mediterranean style home which is characterized by arched windows, wrought-iron details, clay roof tiles, and stucco walls.

Mediterranean home styles are made of stucco, so they’re most common in warm climate states like Arizona and California. These homes grew in popularity in the 1920s and ‘30s after being featured as homes for the rich and famous on the silver screen.

Mediterranean-style homes include Spanish and Italian architectural elements. These key features make them easy to spot:

  • Stucco walls painted white or brown
  • Classic red tile roofs
  • Arched doorways and windows
  • Ornamentation including wrought iron, heavy doors, and decorative tiles

Mediterranean homes still carry the feelings of class and luxury they were built with over 100 years ago, with an added element of history and charm.


2 years ago 2 years ago
We Are the World ist ein Lied von USA for Africa aus dem Jahr 1985, das von Michael Jackson und Lionel Richie geschrieben wurde. Es erschien auch auf dem gleichnamigen Album. Der Titel zählt zu den bisher erfolgreichsten Singles und verkaufte sich mehr als 20 Millionen Mal.

The Final Countdown ist ein Lied der schwedischen Hard-Rock-Band Europe, das von Joey Tempest geschrieben und von Kevin Elson produziert wurde.

Lionel Richie ist ein US-amerikanischer Soulsänger, Songwriter, Musikproduzent und Saxophonist. Er gewann in den 1980er Jahren vier Grammys sowie 1986 einen Oscar.

8 months ago
"Millennium" ist ein Lied des englischen Sängers Robbie Williams aus seinem zweiten Studioalbum I've Been Expecting You (1998). Am 7. September 1998 wurde er als erster Titel aus dem Album veröffentlicht und wurde Williams' erste Single, die die UK Singles Chart anführte.


1 year ago
Simon & Garfunkel (auch Simon and Garfunkel) war ein US-amerikanisches Folk-Rock-Duo, das im Jahre 1957 von Paul Simon und Art Garfunkel gegründet wurde.

The United States has 63 national parks, which are Congressionally-designated protected areas operated by the National Park Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior.

The United States has 63 national parks, which are Congressionally-designated protected areas operated by the National Park Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior.[1] National parks are designated for their natural beauty, unique geological features, diverse ecosystems, and recreational opportunities. While legislatively all units of the National Park System are considered equal with the same mission, national parks are generally larger and more of a destination, and hunting and extractive activities are prohibited.[2] National monuments, on the other hand, are also frequently protected for their historical or archaeological significance. Eight national parks (including six in Alaska) are paired with a national preserve, areas with different levels of protection that are administered together but considered separate units and whose areas are not included in the figures below. The 423 units of the National Park System can be broadly referred to as national parks, but most have other formal designations.[3]

A bill creating the first national park, Yellowstone, was signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1872, followed by Mackinac National Park in 1875 (decommissioned in 1895), and then Rock Creek Park (later merged into National Capital Parks), Sequoia and Yosemite in 1890. The Organic Act of 1916 created the National Park Service "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."[4] Many current national parks had been previously protected as national monuments by the president under the Antiquities Act or as other designations created by Congress before being redesignated by Congress; the newest national park is New River Gorge, previously a National River, and the most recent entirely new park is National Park of American Samoa. A few former national parks are no longer designated as such, or have been disbanded. Fourteen national parks are designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS),[5] and 21 national parks are named UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BR),[6] with eight national parks in both programs.

Thirty states have national parks, as do the territories of American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The state with the most national parks is California with nine, followed by Alaska with eight, Utah with five, and Colorado with four. The largest national park is Wrangell–St. Elias in Alaska: at over 8 million acres (32,375 km2), it is larger than each of the nine smallest states. The next three largest parks are also in Alaska. The smallest park is Gateway Arch National ParkMissouri, at 192.83 acres (0.7804 km2). The total area protected by national parks is approximately 52.2 million acres (211,000 km2), for an average of 829 thousand acres (3,350 km2) but a median of only 208 thousand acres (840 km2).[7]

The national parks set a visitation record in 2017, with more than 84 million visitors and set a further record in 2018 with a 0.1% increase.[8][9] Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee has been the most-visited park since 1944,[10] and had over 14 million visitors in 2021.[11] In contrast, only about 7,000 people visited the remote Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska in 2021.

2 years ago

Image of a shingle style home which is characterized by wood panels and is typically used for beach retreats

Shingle-style homes took influence from Colonial architecture rather than Medieval Europe. Ornamentation became simpler towards the end of the Victorian-era and Shingle-style homes are best known for their creative floor plans and signature shingles on exterior walls.

Shingle Victorian homes are identified by these interior and exterior features:

  • Shingles cover the entire exterior
  • Asymmetrical interior layouts without a central hallway
  • Emphasis on horizontal planes
  • Custom built to meld with the nature surrounding the house

Shingle-style houses were designed as a work of art and encouraged creativity in their use of shapes and features.

House styles will continue to evolve with influences from history, culture, and our lifestyles. All of these house styles can be seen and celebrated across the US and have their own stories to tell. Choose the house style that fits your lifestyle, location, and, of course, personal style best. Then check your credit score, get pre-approved, and start house-hunting.

Albert Hammond ist ein britisch-gibraltarischer Singer-Songwriter und Musikproduzent.