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Mariah Carey ist eine US-amerikanische Pop-, Hip-Hop- und R&B-Sängerin, Songschreiberin, Produzentin und Schauspielerin.


1 year ago
Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
1 year ago 1 year ago
A suit, lounge suit, or business suit is a set of clothes comprising a suit jacket and trousers of identical textiles worn with a collared dress shirt, necktie, and dress shoes.

A suit, lounge suit, or business suit is a set of clothes comprising a suit jacket and trousers of identical textiles worn with a collared dress shirt, necktie, and dress shoes. A skirt suit is similar, but with a matching skirt instead of trousers. It is considered informal wear in Western dress codes. The lounge suit originated in 19th-century Britain as a more casual alternative for sportswear and British country clothing, with roots in early modern Western Europe. After replacing the black frock coat in the early 20th century as regular daywear, a sober one-colored suit became known as a lounge suit.

Suits are offered in different designs and constructions. Cut and cloth, whether two- or three-piece, single- or double-breasted, vary, in addition to various accessories. A two-piece suit has a jacket and trousers; a three-piece suit adds a waistcoat. Hats were almost always worn outdoors (and sometimes indoors) with all men's clothes until the counterculture of the 1960s in Western culture. Informal suits have been traditionally worn with a fedora, a trilby, or a flat cap. Other accessories include handkerchief, suspenders or belt, watch, and jewelry.

Other notable types of suits are for semi-formal occasions—the dinner suit (black tie) and the black lounge suit (stroller)—both which arose as less formal alternatives for the formal wear of the dress coat for white tie, and the morning coat with formal trousers for morning dress, respectively.

Originally, suits were always tailor-made from the client's selected cloth. These are now known as bespoke suits, custom-made to measurements, taste, and style preferences. Since the 1960s, most suits are mass-produced ready-to-wear garments. Currently, suits are offered in roughly four ways:

bespoke, in which the garment is custom-made by a tailor from a pattern created entirely from the customer's measurements, giving the best fit and free choice of fabric;
made to measure, in which a pre-made pattern is modified to fit the customer, and a limited selection of options and fabrics is available;
ready-to-wear, off-the-peg (Commonwealth English), or off-the-rack (American English), which is sold as is, although some tailor alteration tends to be required;
suit separates, where lounge jacket and trousers are sold separately in order to minimize alterations needed, including also odd-colored blazers or sports coats as smart casual options

Die Eagles sind eine US-amerikanische Country-Rock-Band. Sie wurde 1971 in Los Angeles gegründet und zählte fast ein Jahrzehnt lang zu den erfolgreichsten amerikanischen Gruppen und führenden Protagonisten der als West Coast Music bezeichneten Stilrichtung der 1970er Jahre. Nach einigen Umbesetzungen entwickelte die Band mit ihrem harmonisch präzisen, mehrstimmigen Gesang auf der musikalischen Grundlage von Country-Musik, Folk, Bluegrass und Rockmusik ihren eigenen, typischen Eagles-Sound.


Duke of Westminster (Herzog von Westminster) ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of the United Kingdom. Der Titel ist nach dem Londoner Stadtteil benannt. Der hauptsächlich genutzte Landsitz der Familie ist Eaton Hall, in der Nähe von Chester in Cheshire; daneben wird Ely Lodge im nordirischen County Fermanagh genutzt. Die Familie besaß in der Vergangenheit außerdem ein großes Stadthaus in der Londoner Park Lane, das Grosvenor House genannt wurde.

Duke of Westminster (Herzog von Westminster) ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of the United Kingdom. Der Titel ist nach dem Londoner Stadtteil benannt.

Der hauptsächlich genutzte Landsitz der Familie ist Eaton Hall, in der Nähe von Chester in Cheshire; daneben wird Ely Lodge im nordirischen County Fermanagh genutzt. Die Familie besaß in der Vergangenheit außerdem ein großes Stadthaus in der Londoner Park Lane, das Grosvenor House genannt wurde.

Der Titel wurde am 27. Februar 1874 von Königin Victoria an Hugh Grosvenor, 3. Marquess of Westminster, verliehen. Er führte bereits seit 1869 die fortan nachgeordneten Titel 3. Marquess of Westminster, 4. Earl Grosvenor, 4. Viscount Belgrave, 4. Baron Grosvenor und 11. Baronet, of Eaton.

Der Titel Marquess of Westminster war am 13. September 1831 in der Peerage of the United Kingdom seinem Großvater Robert Grosvenor, 2. Earl Grosvenor, bei der Krönung von Wilhelm IV. verliehen worden. Dessen Vater Sir Richard Grosvenor, 7. Baronet, war von Georg III. in der Peerage of Great Britain am 8. April 1761 zum Baron Grosvenor, of Eaton in the County of Chester, und am 5. Juli 1784 zum Earl Grosvenor und Viscount Belgrave, of Belgrave in the County of Chester, erhoben worden. Dessen Ur-ur-urgroßvater, der Unterhausabgeordnete Sir Richard Grosvenor, war am 23. Februar 1622 in der Baronetage of England der Titel Baronet, of Eaton in the County of Chester, verliehen worden.

Der Heir Apparent des jeweiligen Herzogs führt den Höflichkeitstitel Earl Grosvenor, dessen Heir Apparent den Höflichkeitstitel Viscount Belgrave.

Der heutige Duke of Westminster zählt mit einem geschätzten Vermögen von ca. 9,9 Mrd. £ zu den reichsten Männern Großbritanniens. Im Forbes Magazine von 2009 wurde er in der Liste der reichsten Personen der Welt auf Platz 29 geführt. Er verfügt u. a. über Grundbesitz von ca. 1,2 km2 Größe in den Londoner Nobelstadtteilen Mayfair, Belgravia und Pimlico, davon allein 770.000 m2 im an den Buckingham Palast angrenzenden Belgravia, sowie über den Landsitz Eaton Hall in Cheshire.

1 year ago
A necktie, or simply a tie, is a piece of cloth worn for decorative purposes around the neck, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat, and often draped down the chest.

A necktie, or simply a tie, is a piece of cloth worn for decorative purposes around the neck, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat, and often draped down the chest.

Variants include the ascot, bow, bolo, zipper tie, cravat, and knit. The modern necktie, ascot, and bow tie are descended from the cravat. Neckties are generally unsized but may be available in a longer size. In some cultures, men and boys wear neckties as part of office attire or formal wear. Women wear them less often. Neckties can also be part of a uniform. Neckties are traditionally worn with the top shirt button fastened, and the tie knot resting between the collar points.

4 months ago
The Portman family originated from the West Country They purchased an interest in what was to become the London Estate in 1532, some 200 years before the beginnings of its development in the Georgian period. The Estate now comprises the London Estate, The Portman Burtley Estate Farm in Buckinghamshire and Wilmaston Farm in Hereford. The Estate is held in trust for the benefit of the wider family, with over 130 beneficiaries. The ancestral title is held by The 10th Viscount Portman.

In 1999, Lord Portman became the 10th Viscount and began work on rejuvenating the Estate.

Over the last 20 years, the development of the Estate has gone from strength to strength. We actively manage the property assets, both directly as a landlord to an ever-increasing number of residential and commercial customers, and through our relationships with long-term leaseholders.

We aim to be at the forefront of

property management and placemaking in Central London. This is an example of how an estate can combine a modern, agile and forward-thinking approach to its activities, while remaining loyal to its history, heritage and values.


The Portman Estate dates back to the 16th century, when Sir William Portman, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII,[5] and originally from Orchard Portman in Somerset, leased 270 acres of the Manor of Lileston (Lisson). He acquired the freehold in 1554, but most of the land remained farmland and meadow until the mid-18th century and the building boom after the end of the Seven Years' War in 1763.

In the 1750s William Baker had leased land from the family to lay out Orchard and Portman Streets, and the north side of Oxford StreetHenry William Portman, a descendant of Sir William, continued the development in 1764 with the creation of Portman Square, with buildings by James WyattRobert Adam and James 'Athenian' Stuart, including Montagu House, built in the north-west corner for the famed literary hostess Elizabeth Montagu and later used by the Portman family as their London town house.

Portman Square was the focus of the new estate and was followed by the building of Manchester Square during the 1770s and Bryanston and Montagu Squares 30 years later. These were laid out by the Estate's architect, James Thompson Parkinson. The area remained largely residential, attracting the prosperous middle class who wanted to live near the centre of London. There were also mews for tradesmen and servants. At the southwest corner of the Estate, where Marble Arch now stands, was the Tyburn gallows, London's principal place of public execution until 1783.

Development of the area north of the Marylebone Road around Dorset Square continued after 1815, and to the North West in Lisson Green, workers’ cottages were built from 1820 to 1840. Many of the original Georgian houses north of Portman Square were redeveloped as mansion blocks, which were let on long leases. This development spread along the major traffic routes of Edgware Road and Baker Street.

In 1948 the Estate, then valued at £10 million, was subject to death duties of £7.6 million on the death of the seventh Viscount Portman, resulting in the sale of all the family's West Country estates as well as the northern part of the London Estate in 1951, and the area around Crawford Street the following year. In the later 1950s and 1960s the Estate collaborated with the developer Max Rayne to redevelop the frontage of Oxford Street and Baker Street, as well as the south and west sides of Portman Square.


Contract bridge, or simply bridge, is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck. In its basic format, it is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table.
1 year ago
A shadbelly (North American English) is a type of riding coat worn in certain equestrian situations by fox hunting members, dressage riders, eventers (in the dressage phase of the higher levels), and occasionally by other hunt seat riders. Shadbellies are also standard attire for the show hack classes at certain breed shows in the United States and Canada.
3 days ago 3 days ago
原创 美国保险在线课堂 美国保险在线课堂














接下来,我们就从美国医疗体系、健康保险分类等方面出发,花费大概五分钟时间让大家快速了解Medicare(联邦医疗保险,即“红蓝卡”)、Medicaid(医疗补助计划,即“白卡”)和Medi-Cal (加州的医疗补助,即:加州白卡)到底是什么?

美国医疗保障体系由商业保险(Private Insurance)和社会保险组成。

其中,商业保险主要由商业保险公司运营和承担风险,社会保险主要由联邦医疗补助服务中心(CMS,Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)管理和运营,包含联邦医疗保险(Medicare)和医疗补助(Medicaid)等计划。具体介绍如下:


















白卡的申请资格主要看两个指标,① 收入,② 财产;但各州审核的标准也略有差异;目前,有些州还放宽了标准,只审核收入指标。

通常,收入不超过138%联邦贫困线(Federal Poverty Level,简称FPL)就符合白卡收入标准的申请资格,18岁或以下儿童、孕妇的白卡申请标准会更加宽松。









① 65岁或以上的老人;② 残疾人士;③ 盲人;④  未满21岁者;⑤ 孕妇;⑥ 需要长期照护的成人或孩童;⑦ 在护理院的被照料者;⑧  限期内具有难民身份的人;⑨ 被诊断患有乳腺癌或子宫颈癌的患者。







★ Medicare



与此同时,红蓝卡需要投保开放期(Open Enrollment)完成注册投保、计划转换等操作,才能在下一年享受健保福利。




另外,如果申请人的年龄接近65岁,在65岁生日前后七个月,包括生日月份的前三个月、生日当月及生日后的三个月,都可以去居住地的社安局申请红蓝卡的Part A部分(医院保险)和Part B部分(医疗保险)。

★ Medicaid和Medi-Cal













Die Nitty Gritty Dirt Band ist eine US-amerikanische Country-Rock-Band, die 1966 gegründet wurde und mehr als 30 Alben veröffentlicht hat. Ihre Musik enthält neben Country- auch Folk-Rock- und Pop-Elemente und wurde viermal mit einem Grammy Award ausgezeichnet.


1 year ago
Pentatonix ist eine US-amerikanische A-cappella-Gruppe, bestehend aus Mitchell Grassi (Tenor), Scott Hoying (Bariton), Kirstin Maldonado (Mezzosopran), Kevin Olusola (Beatbox) und Matt Sallee (Bass). Sallee ersetzte Avriel Kaplan (Bass), der bis September 2017 zu den Mitgliedern zählte. Gegründet wurde die Band in Arlington im US-Bundesstaat Texas.


1 year ago
A tailcoat is a knee-length coat characterised by a rear section of the skirt, known as the tails, with the front of the skirt cut away.

A tailcoat is a knee-length coat characterised by a rear section of the skirt, known as the tails, with the front of the skirt cut away.

The tailcoat shares its historical origins in clothes cut for convenient horse riding in the Early Modern era. Ever since the 18th century, however, tailcoats evolved into general forms of day and evening formal wear, in parallel to how the lounge suit succeeded the frock coat (19th century) and the justacorps (18th century).

Thus, in 21st-century Western dress codes for men, mainly two types of tailcoats have survived:

Dress coat, an evening wear with a squarely cut away front, worn for formal white tie
Morning coat (or cutaway in American English), a day wear with a gradually tapered front cut away, worn for formal morning dress
In colloquial language without further specification, "tailcoat" typically designates the former, that is the evening dress coat for white tie.

1 year ago
An ascot tie, ascot or hanker-tie is a neckband with wide pointed wings, traditionally made of pale grey patterned silk.

An ascot tie, ascot or hanker-tie is a neckband with wide pointed wings, traditionally made of pale grey patterned silk.[citation needed] This wide tie is usually patterned, folded over, and fastened with a tie pin or tie clip. It is usually reserved for formal wear with morning dress for daytime weddings and worn with a cutaway morning coat and striped grey formal trousers. This type of dress cravat is made of a thicker, woven type of silk similar to a modern tie and is traditionally either grey or black.[citation needed] A more casual form of ascot is in British English called a cravat, or sometimes as a day cravat to distinguish it from the formal ascot or dress cravat. The casual form is made from a thinner woven silk that is more comfortable when worn against the skin, often with ornate and colourful printed patterns.

The ascot is descended from the earlier type of cravat widespread in the early 19th century, most notably during the age of Beau Brummell, made of heavily starched linen and elaborately tied around the neck. Later in the 1880s, amongst the upper-middle-class in Europe men began to wear a more loosely tied version for formal daytime events with daytime full dress in frock coats or with morning coats. It remains a feature of morning dress for weddings today. The Royal Ascot race meeting at the Ascot Racecourse gave the ascot its name, although such dress cravats were no longer worn with morning dress at the Royal Ascot races by the Edwardian era. The ascot was still commonly worn for business with morning dress in the late 19th and very early 20th centuries.

9 months ago
The Eras Tour ist die sechste Konzerttour und zweite reine Stadiontour der US-amerikanischen Sängerin und Songwriterin Taylor Swift.

George Strait ist ein US-amerikanischer Country-Sänger, Songwriter, Schauspieler und Musik-Produzent sowie der bedeutendste Vertreter des Neo-Traditionalismus und der erfolgreichste Country-Musiker aller Zeiten. Bis 2022 erreichte er mit 34 Alben den Platin- und Mehrfach-Platin Status und mit 61 Singles Platz eins der Billboard-Country-Charts. Er hat in seiner rund 45-jährigen Karriere mehr als 120 Millionen Alben verkauft und trägt seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten den Beinamen „King of Coun


Take My Breath Away ist ein Lied der kalifornischen Popband Berlin aus dem Jahr 1986, das von Giorgio Moroder und Tom Whitlock geschrieben wurde. Das Stück erschien als Love Theme (Liebesthema) auf dem Soundtrack zum Film Top Gun und erhielt im Jahr 1987 sowohl einen Oscar als bester Song und einen Golden Globe in derselben Kategorie.

1 year ago
The makila (sometimes spelled makhila) is a traditional Basque walking stick, and is notable as both a practical tool and a cultural symbol of authority and strength.
Led Zeppelin war eine britische Rockband. 1968 gegründet, gehört sie mit 300 Millionen verkauften Alben zu den erfolgreichsten Bands überhaupt.


Willie Hugh Nelson ist ein US-amerikanischer Country-Sänger, Gitarrist und Songwriter, der zu den bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der Outlaw-Bewegung und des Genres im Allgemeinen zählt. Er hatte 22 Nummer-eins-Singles und 14 Nummer-eins-Alben in den Billboard-Country-Charts.


The Florin street Band


1 year ago
Carla Bruni ist eine Musikerin und ein ehemaliges Model. Die gebürtige Italienerin nahm 2008 die französische Staatsbürgerschaft an.


1 year ago
Carly Rae Jepsen ist eine kanadische Singer-Songwriterin. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangte sie im Jahr 2012 mit der Singleauskopplung Call Me Maybe.


Duran Duran ist eine britische Musikgruppe, die 1978 in Birmingham gegründet und nach dem Bösewicht Durand Durand aus dem Science-Fiction-Film Barbarella benannt wurde. Sie gehört zu den Vorreitern der Anfang der 1980er-Jahre entstandenen New Romantics und hat mehr als 100 Millionen Tonträger verkauft.

1 year ago
Snooker is a cue sport played on a rectangular table covered with a green cloth called baize, with six pockets, one at each corner and one in the middle of each long side.