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Dominio de Pingus is a Spanish winery located in Quintanilla de Onésimo in Valladolid province with vineyards in La Horra area of the Ribera del Duero region.


Dominio de Pingus is a Spanish winery located in Quintanilla de Onésimo in Valladolid province with vineyards in La Horra area of the Ribera del Duero region. The estate's flagship wine, Pingus, is considered a "cult wine", sold at extremely high prices while remaining very inaccessible,[1][2] and commands an average price of $811 per bottle.[3]

The winery also produces a second wine, Flor de Pingus, and a special cuvée, Ribera del Duero "Amelia". Recently, Dominio de Pingus has founded a joint project with local grape producers to make an old vine tempranillo called "PSI".

Dominio de Pingus was established in 1995 by Danish oenologist Peter Sisseck, also manager of the Pesquera de Duero estate Hacienda Monasterio.[4] On the estate's winemaking philosophies, Sisseck has stated, "The vines in my plots are very old. They have never been fertilised nor treated with pesticides and all grow following the traditional en vaso system. They are perfect."[4]

About the first 1995 vintage of Pingus, Robert Parker declared, "One of the greatest and most exciting wines I have ever tasted".[5] With a very limited first vintage production, only 325 cases were made with prices initially set at US$200 per bottle, it became yet more scarce when in November 1997 the ship transporting a U.S. bound shipment of 75 cases disappeared somewhere off the Azores in the North Atlantic Ocean.[6] The shipwreck resulted in a dramatic reaction in the US market, with prices soon rising to $495 per bottle.[5][6]

At the Ronda WineCreator conference of April 2008, Sisseck was angered by suggestions by Decanter editor Guy Woodward that some winemakers make wines to suit the palates of certain critics. In response he called Woodward's remarks arrogant for implying winemakers do not have their own opinions, adding, "I don't even think it is possible to do this."[7]

In 2007 it was announced that the Spanish government had approved plans to expand highway roads through the vineyards of Dominio de Pingus and other wineries, which was met with strong opposition by Sisseck who called it a "vengeful measure".[8]

Planted with very old vines of Tinto Fino, i.e. Tempranillo, the vineyards are 2.5 hectares (6.2 acres) in Barrosso with vines exceeding 65 years and 1.5 hectares (3.7 acres) in San Cristobal with vines older than 70 years, and the unusually low average yield of 12 hL per hectare. Since 2000, the viticulture has been biodynamic. Of the annual production of Pingus there is typically less than 500 cases, though in poor vintages no Pingus is made.

The production of the second wine Flor de Pingus, also 100% Tempranillo, is made with fruit from rented vineyards in the La Horra zone, with vines older than 35 years. Since the 2005 vintage, the viticulture has been biodynamic. The annual production is on average 4,000 cases.

Additionally there has been the single barrel cuvée, Ribera del Duero "Amelia", made from a vineyard parcel of 100+ year old vines with an average yield of 10 hL per hectare, with biodynamic viticulture since its initial 2003 vintage. The 2005 vintage had a production of 25 cases.

"PSI" is a joint project based on fruit produced by local grape growers from old tempranillo vines. The goal is to help grape producers and save old vines. Project was founded in 2006, first vintage was 2007. Grape growers are encouraged to employ biodynamic or organic vineyard management practices. The wine is made by Peter Sisseck and Pablo Rubio and sold under producer name Bodegas y Viñedos Alnardo. Vinification takes place in large concrete vats and aging in concrete and wooden tanks and oak barrels. Production of PSI 2009 was 9,600 cases, PSI 2010 was 16,600 cases.






《少年》是由梦然作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,该曲于2019年11月14日以单曲的形式发布。 2020年7月18日,该曲获得全球中文音乐榜上榜周冠军。





演唱:盛小云 高博文

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Torino è un comune italiano di, quarto comune italiano per popolazione e capoluogo dell'omonima città metropolitana e della regione Piemonte.

Torino (AFI/toˈrino/[5]ascolta[?·info]; Turin in piemontese [tyˈriŋ]ascolta[?·info[6]) è un comune italiano di 852 223 abitanti (al 30 settembre 2021)[2]quarto comune italiano per popolazione e capoluogo dell'omonima città metropolitana e della regione Piemonte. Cuore di un'area metropolitana, Torino è il terzo complesso economico-produttivo del Paese e costituisce uno dei maggiori poli universitariartisticituristiciscientifici e culturali d'Italia. Nel suo territorio sono inoltre presenti aree ed edifici inclusi in due beni protetti dall'UNESCO: alcuni palazzi e zone facenti parte del circuito di residenze sabaude in Piemonte (patrimonio dell'umanità[7]) e l'area delle colline del Po (riserva della biosfera).

Città dalla storia bimillenaria, fu fondata probabilmente nei pressi della posizione attuale, attorno al III secolo a.C., dai Taurini, quindi trasformata in colonia romana da Augusto col nome di Iulia Augusta Taurinorum nel I secolo a.C.. Dopo il dominio ostrogoto, fu capitale di un importante ducato longobardo, per poi passare, dopo essere divenuta capitale di marca carolingia, sotto la signoria nominale dei Savoia nell'XI secolo. Città dell'omonimo ducato, nel 1563 ne divenne capitale. Dal 1720 fu capitale del Regno di Sardegna (anche se solo de facto fino alla fusione perfetta del 1847, quando lo divenne anche formalmente),[8] Stato che nel XIX secolo avrebbe portato all'unificazione italiana e che fece di Torino la prima capitale del Regno d'Italia (dal 1861 al 1865).

Sede nel 2006 dei XX Giochi olimpici invernali, nel 2022 della 66ª edizione dell'Eurovision Song Contest[9], città natale di alcuni fra i maggiori simboli del Made in Italy nel mondo, come il Vermut, il cioccolato gianduja e il caffè espresso, è il fulcro dell'industria automobilistica italiana, nonché importante centro dell'editoria, del sistema bancario e assicurativo, delle tecnologie dell'informazione, del cinema, dell'enogastronomia, del settore aerospaziale, del disegno industriale, dello sport e della moda.








《牡丹之歌》是由乔羽作词,吕远、唐诃作曲,蒋大为演唱的歌曲 ,是电影《红牡丹》的主题插曲 。

《月亮代表我的心》是由孙仪作词,翁清溪作曲,陈芬兰首唱的歌曲,收录于陈芬兰1972年12月1日发行的专辑《梦乡》中 。1977年,邓丽君翻唱该曲,收录于香港宝丽金1977年发行的专辑《香港之恋》中 。







Seiji Ozawa ©Michiharu Okubo









Seiji Ozawa ©Michiharu Okubo








Seiji Ozawa ©Michiharu Okubo



(Quelle: 易网,略有删节)






CatalogInternationale Städte
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Palma de Mallorca es una ciudad y municipio español, capital de la isla de Mallorca y de la comunidad autónoma de las Islas Baleares.

Palma de Mallorca5​ (oficialmente, Palma)678​ es una ciudad y municipio español, capital de la isla de Mallorca y de la comunidad autónoma de las Islas Baleares. Es además sede del partido judicial número tres de la provincia y de la diócesis de Mallorca. Está ubicada en la parte occidental del mar Mediterráneo y, dentro de la isla, hacia el suroeste. Se encuentra a unos 250 km al este de la península ibérica.

Su término municipal ocupa una extensión de 208,63 km² que se extienden entre la sierra de Na Burguesa y el Prado de Sant Jordi. Se sitúa en el centro de la bahía de Palma, a unos 13 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar. La atraviesan varios torrentes, como el la Riera y el de Gros.

Con 416 065 habitantes en enero de 2019, Palma es la octava mayor ciudad de España por población y la primera de las Islas Baleares.9​ Su área metropolitana engloba nueve localidades con 560 240 habitantes, repartidos en una superficie de 1015,88 km², siendo la 14.ª de España.10

Fue fundada con el nombre de Palma por el cónsul romano Quinto Cecilio Metelo Baleárico en el año 123 a. C. Se estima que su asentamiento actual corresponde con las ruinas romanas que se encuentran bajo su casco histórico, aunque aún no existen pruebas irrefutables.1112​ Después de estar en manos de los vándalos y los árabes en 903, fue conquistada por el rey Jaime I de Aragón el 31 de diciembre de 1229,13​ convirtiéndose en la Ciutat de Mallorca, capital de su propio reino, que decayó tras su incorporación a la Corona de Aragón en 1279.

En 1715 entraron en vigor los Decretos de Nueva Planta, recuperando la ciudad su topónimo romano, Palma. Poco después, ya en el siglo xx, fue protagonista de la explosión de un intenso auge turístico que la usó como destino vacacional durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970. En la actualidad constituye un notable centro económico y cultural a nivel insular y autonómico.





《最浪漫的事》是姚若龙作词,李正帆作曲,由赵咏华演唱的歌曲。收录于1994年6月15日由滚石唱片发行的专辑《我的爱 我的梦 我的家》中。